


I worked far into the night.

  The house has been turned into a museum.(turn into 變成)

  We must put these theories into practice.

  They all burst into laughter. (burst into 爆發)

  At the news, my sister burst into tears.

  (burst into tears 放聲大哭)

  I ran into my former classmate at the station. We haven't seen each other for a long time.

  (run into 偶然碰到,偶然遇到)

  18. like(像……)

  He likes its mother. 他喜歡他的母親。

  The baby looks like its mother.

  It looks like snow.

  What's the weather like today?

  I don't feel like eating anything.

  What does it look(taste) like?

  19. of(……的)

  He is a friend of mine.

  Have you got the Complete Works of Lu Hsun?

  We're of the same opinion. (be of 贊同)

  Electricity is of great use in industry and everyday life.

  (be of use=be useful)

  Your help is of great value to us.

  (be of value=be valuable)

  I often think of the days we spent together. (think of 想起)

  I read it quite by chance in a magazine. (by chance 偶然)

  It's very kind of you to remind me of it.

  (It's very kind of sb.

  remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事)

  The picture reminds me of the time we spent together in Dalian.

  We're proud of our son. (be proud of 以……爲驕傲)

  The little boy is afraid of dogs. (be afraid of 害怕)

  It's just waste of time.

  He is ashamed of his past. (be ashamed of 羞恥,慙愧)

  The village is short of water. (be short of 缺少)

  I do all these of my own will. (of one's own 出於某人的意願)

  20. on(在……上)

  You hit the nail on the head. 你這話擊中了要害。

  Put the book on the shelf, please.

  My mother was born on April 14, 1947.


  He left Beijing for home on the morning of July 2.





