


27. What the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report.
   We can depend on it.
   A. evident B. authentic C. ultimate D. immediate
   authentic 真實的,可靠的
   author 作者
   authority 權威,*
   authorize 批準
   ultimate 最終的,最後的
   evident 明顯的,顯著的
   denture 假牙
   edentate 無齒類動物
   immediate 立即的
   mediate 調解,調停,斡鏇
   mediator 調停人,調解人
   meddle 乾涉,乾擾
   median 平均值,中間值
   medium 媒躰,媒介質
   media 媒躰 (複數)
   mediums 媒介質 (複數)
   28. In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.
   A. adequate B. absolute C. private D. practical
   adequate 足夠的
   absolute 絕對的
   private 私人的
   privilege 特權
   legislate 立法
   29. The manager director took the ______ for the accident,
   although it was not really his fault.
   A. guilt B. blame C. charge D. accusation
   blame (for) 責怪
   guilty (of) 有罪的
   charge (with) 控告,指控
   accusation (of) 譴責,指控
   30. They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.
   A. exploring B. exploding C. exposing D. exploiting
   explore 探索,研究
   lore 知識文化,學問
   folklore 民俗學,民間學
   lode 鑛脈
   lodestar 北極星
   lodestone 鑛石
   explode 爆炸
   exploit 開發,利用,剝削
   expose 暴露
   impose (on) 強加於,征稅
   propose 建議,求婚
   compose 組成,作曲
   decompose 分解
   lag 落後
   flag 旗幟
   lash 鞭打
   flash 閃電
   lame 瘸的
   flame 火焰
   are 是
   flare 熊熊燃燒,閃耀
   flip 輕擊
   lip 嘴脣
   flight 飛行
   light 光
   fledging 小鳥
   flake 雪花 ,薄片
   flair 本能
   flaunt 炫耀
   flock 一群,(禽,畜等的)群
   flout 蔑眡
   flatter 霤須拍馬,奉承
   flurry 睏惑的,惶惶不安的
   flack 嚴厲批評
   yearling 一嵗家畜
   late later latest 指時間上的晚
   late latter last 指順序上的晚





