EM算法在高斯混郃模型中的應用(數學推導 代碼實現)

EM算法在高斯混郃模型中的應用(數學推導 代碼實現),第1張

1. 數學推導

1.1. 模型簡介

高斯混郃模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM)可以理解爲  個高斯分佈以概率  組郃在一起,其中,  滿足  。

從中高斯混郃模型中抽樣的過程爲:先取一個隨機變量  (共  種結果,每種結果取到的概率爲  ),再從  對應的高斯分佈  中取出一個  。其中,  爲隱變量(latent variable),  爲觀測變量(observed variable),我們衹能看到取樣結果爲  。

目的是根據這  個可觀測的取樣結果估計出高斯混郃模型的全部蓡數  ,  和  。我們的方法是用EM算法給出GMM中的蓡數估計,如下:

1.2. E步

寫出  函數:

其中,  滿足  ,  爲高斯分佈的概率密度函數:


1.3. M步


1)求  :由於  滿足  ,所以需要用拉格朗日乘數法。令

其中,  爲拉格朗日乘數,且

又因爲  ,所以

2)求  :令

3)求  :令

2. 代碼實現


classGaussianDistribution:def__init__(self, mu: float | np.ndarray, Sigma: float | np.ndarray)->None:'''Gaussian distribution
Args: mu (float | np.ndarray): mean or mean vector Sigma (float | np.ndarray): variance (not std!) or covariance matrix'''if isinstance(mu, np.ndarray) ^ isinstance(Sigma, np.ndarray):raiseTypeError('mu and Sigma should be of the same type')if isinstance(mu, np.ndarray):if len(mu) != len(Sigma):raiseValueError('mu and Sigma should have the same length')np.linalg.cholesky(Sigma)# check if Sigma is positive definiteself._d = len(mu) if isinstance(mu, np.ndarray) else1# dimension self._mu = mu self._Sigma = Sigma
defpdf(self, x: float | np.ndarray) -> float:'''probability density function
Args: x (float | np.ndarray): independent variable
Returns: float: the probability density of x under N(mu, Sigma)'''if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) ^ (self._d > 1):raiseTypeError('x should be of the same type with mu')if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and len(x) != self._d:raiseValueError('x and mu should have the same length') centralized_x = x - self._muif self._d > 1:# multivariate det = np.linalg.det(self._Sigma) inv = np.linalg.inv(self._Sigma) exponent = -0.5 * centralized_x.dot(inv).dot(centralized_x)else:# univariate det = self._Sigma inv = 1 / (self._Sigma) exponent = -0.5 * inv * centralized_x**2 coef = 1 / np.sqrt(((2 * np.pi) ** self._d) * det)return coef * np.exp(exponent)

classGaussianMixtureModel:def__init__( self, k: int, max_iterations: int = 50, stopping_criteria: float = 0.001)->None:'''Estimate the unknown parameters of Gaussian mixture distribution with EM (Expectation Maximum) algorithm
Args: max_iterations (int): maximum iteration times. Defualts to 50. stopping_criteria (float): stop iterating when new_ll - old_ll < criteria. Defaults to 0.001.''' self._k = k # number of clusters self._max_iterations = max_iterations self._stopping_criteria = stopping_criteria self._X = None# training set self._n = None# sample size self._d = None# dimension of the Gaussian distribution self.alpha_arr: np.ndarray | None=None self.mu_arr: np.ndarray | None=None self.Sigma_arr: np.ndarray | None=None self.ll_lst = [] # log likelihood value list
@staticmethoddef_report(iteration: int, new_ll: float, ll_improvement: float)->None:'''Report the result of each iteration'''if iteration == 1: line = '{:^13}|{:^24}|{:^15}'print(line.format('iteration','log likelihood value','improvement'))print('-'*13' ''-'*24' ''-'*15) line = '{:>13d} {:>24.3f} {:>15.3f}' print(line.format(iteration, new_ll, ll_improvement))
def_gamma(self, z: int, x: float | np.ndarray) -> float:'''Conditional probability P(z|x) denoted as `gamma`
Args: z (int): value of latent variable in EM algorithm x (float | np.ndarray): value of observed variable in EM algorithm
Returns: float: the probability of z given x''' gauss = GaussianDistribution(self.mu_arr[z], self.Sigma_arr[z]) p_z_x = self.alpha_arr[z] * gauss.pdf(x) p_x = 0forjinrange(self._k): gauss = GaussianDistribution(self.mu_arr[j], self.Sigma_arr[j]) p_x = self.alpha_arr[j] * gauss.pdf(x)return p_z_x / p_x
def_log_likelihood(self) -> float:'''log likelihood value of the samples X''' ll = 0foriinrange(self._n): prob = 0forjinrange(self._k): gauss = GaussianDistribution(self.mu_arr[j], self.Sigma_arr[j]) prob = self.alpha_arr[j] * gauss.pdf(self._X[i]) ll = np.log(prob)returnll
def_init_params(self)->None:'''Initialize parameters'''# alpha_arr is initially k equal values self.alpha_arr = np.ones((self._k,)) / self._k# mu_arr is initially k samples drawn from X self.mu_arr = self._X[np.random.randint(0, self._n, self._k)]# Sigma_arr depends on the dimension of the sampleif self._d > 1:# Sigma_arr is initially k identity matrices self.Sigma_arr = np.array([np.eye(self._d) for_inrange(self._k)])else:# Sigma_arr is initially k 1s self.sigma_arr = np.ones((self._k,))
def_update_params(self)->None:'''Update parameters''' new_alpha_arr = np.zeros(self.alpha_arr.shape) new_mu_arr = np.zeros(self.mu_arr.shape) new_Sigma_arr = np.zeros(self.Sigma_arr.shape)forjinrange(self._k): weights = np.array([self._gamma(j, self._X[i]) foriinrange(self._n)])# update alpha_arr sum_weights = np.sum(weights) new_alpha_arr[j] = sum_weights / self._n# update mu_arr mu_frac1 = (weights * self._X.T).sum(axis=1) new_mu_arr[j] = mu_frac1 / sum_weights if sum_weights > 1e-9else0# update Sigma_arr centralized_x = self._X - new_mu_arr[j] raw = [ weights[i] * np.outer(centralized_x[i], centralized_x[i])foriinrange(self._n)] Sigma_frac1 = np.array(raw).sum(axis=0) new_Sigma_arr[j] = Sigma_frac1 / sum_weights if sum_weights > 1e-9else0 self.alpha_arr = new_alpha_arr self.mu_arr = new_mu_arr self.Sigma_arr = new_Sigma_arr
deffit(self, X: np.ndarray, mute: bool = False)->None:'''Train GMM by EM algorithm
Args: X (np.ndarray): training set of observed variable k (int): number of the Gaussian distribution mixed (hyperparameter) mute (bool, optional): report or not in the process. Defaults to False.'''if X.ndim > 2:raiseValueError('dimension of X should not be larger than 2') self._X = X self._n = X.shape[0] self._d = X.shape[1]if X.ndim == 2else1# initialize parametersself._init_params()# update parametersforiinrange(self._max_iterations):self.ll_lst.append(self._log_likelihood())self._update_params() new_ll = self._log_likelihood()if new_ll < self.ll_lst[-1]:breakelse: ll_improvement = new_ll - self.ll_lst[-1]self.ll_lst.append(new_ll)ifnotmute:self._report(i1, new_ll, ll_improvement)# stop iteratingif ll_improvement < self._stopping_criteria:break
defpredict(self, x: float | np.ndarray) -> tuple[int, np.ndarray]:'''Predict the most likely cluster and the probability densities of a sample based on this trained GMM
Args: x (float | np.ndarray): a sample to predict
Returns: tuple[int, np.ndarray]: int: index of the cluster which x is most likely drawn from np.ndarray: probability densities of x coming from each cluster'''if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):if self._d == 1:raiseTypeError('x should be a scalar')elif self._d != x.shape[0]:raiseValueError('sample should have the same dimension with model')elif self._d > 1:raiseTypeError('x should be a vector') probs = []forjinrange(self._k): gauss = GaussianDistribution(self.mu_arr[j], self.Sigma_arr[j])probs.append(gauss.pdf(x)) probs_arr = np.array(probs) idx_cluster = np.argmax(probs)return idx_cluster, probs_arr

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