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Letus go back to the school in Israel, one friendly tip from a teacher in a publicIsraeli school is that teachers should add something special to his or hereveryday class, making it easier for children to reflect on the school day. Forexample, the teacher choose to begin her class with a different hairstyle, andthe teacher will play some games with kids. Such a joyful interaction makesschool a place of fun, she alleged. From my experience, school has always beenthe last place children would go in China and that is why I cried a lot in akindergarten a lot.

Thesecond one I was thinking in watching that episode is that What is aneducationalist?

Iused to think that an educationalist should be someone who is full of educationtheories. The guy in the documentary illustrate his educational value through asimple game in his house, where he gathers his children and wife together, andhe randomly picked up several stuff in the sitting room, for example, TVcontroller, a light, a book... The task here is to ask everyone there to putall these stuff in order with some connection. You may start from anyperspectives, for example, the color, all need battery, even all made in China.From this simple task, children’s ability to notice things has been welltrained, since our understanding of somethings always stops in the very basicaspect, for example, its function and the color. However, noticing is actuallysomething we all need, trying to break the stereotype and think about anyconnections behind it, which is also applicable to English learning.

Anotherrule in that house is that students are able to manage themselves. His childrenare able to make their own schedule every single day, for example, go to sleepin the midnight. Instead of asking children to follow the exactly rule, thefather always encourage children to ask “Why”;for example, you may go to sleep late because you feel tired, you may use youriPad simple because you can have fun that. They said Israel is a nation ofdebate. You may reflect what is your own experience by stopping here.

Also,another great difference is that there are some democratic schools in Israel,or I would call it community school or home school. Instead of the headmastermaking all the rules, parents are able to sit in a round table and discuss whatis best for those children. Although students have to take the standard test,it proved that students from this school did a great job academically asstudents from state school, the more important thing is that the experiencehere is full of pleasure and students are able to develop his interest. Also,in Jewish culture and such a collectivism country, a colonel explains that allthe innovation comes from keep challenging. “虎刺巴’’ in Hebrew means beingbold and dare to challenge, however, in most cases in China, you have topackage your wording, especially dealing with your boss or your elders.

Asit reports, the priority is given to the education in terms of the governmentbudget, and about 51% of national funds flows to the all aspects of education,including refurbishing the school building. All the Jewish people unitedtogether and strive, and I think it is because the mode of living. Jewishpeople used to live in a survive mode, “A scholar mentions in themuseum of Tel Aviv-Yafo University. I want to go to Israel and explorethis great nation, and that is what I was thinking in that time. And What willI do for future education? I have to impulse to back to university, maybe doinganother program of MA or apply for the PHD. That is a risky move and I probablyquite because I am actually inactive in academic work, so I just take it as aninstant impulse.





