


Article 7 Issuing Bank Undertaking
第七條 開証行的
a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the issuing bank must honour if the credit is available by:
i. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the issuing bank;
i. 由開証行即期付款、延期付款或者承兌;
ii. sight payment with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not pay;
ii. 由被指定銀行即期付款而該被指定銀行未予付款;
iii. deferred payment with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or, having incurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay at maturity;
iii. 由被指定銀行延期付款而該被指定銀行未承擔其延期付款,或者雖已承擔延期付款但到期未予付款;
iv. acceptance with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not accept a draft drawn on it or, having accepted a draft drawn on it, does not pay at maturity;
iv. 由被指定銀行承兌而該被指定銀行未予承兌以其爲付款人的滙票,或者雖已承兌以其爲付款人的滙票但到期未予付款;
v. negotiation with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate.
v. 由被指定銀行議付而該被指定銀行未予議付。 來源:www.examda.com
b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit.
b. 自信用証開立之時起,開証行即不可撤銷地受到兌付責任的約束。
c. An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. Reimbursement for the amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not the nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. An issuing bank’s undertaking to reimburse a nominated bank is independent of the issuing bank’s undertaking to the beneficiary.
c. 開証行保証曏對於相符提示已經予以兌付或者議付竝將單據寄往開証行的被指定銀行進行償付。無論被指定銀行是否於到期日前已經對相符提示予以預付或者購買,對於承兌或延期付款信用証項下相符提示的金額的償付於到期日進行。開証行償付被指定銀行的獨立於開証行對於受益人的。





