新聞天天譯:Georgia Fight Spreads, Moscow Issues Ultimat

新聞天天譯:Georgia Fight Spreads, Moscow Issues Ultimat,第1張

新聞天天譯:Georgia Fight Spreads, Moscow Issues Ultimat,第2張

  繙譯內容: Georgia Fight Spreads, Moscow Issues Ultimatum
  GORI, Georgia — Russia issued an ultimatum to Georgian forces on Monday to surrender completely in and around the western pro-Russian separatist enclave of Abkhazia, in a sign that fighting could escalate on a second front in the west of Georgia.
  The ultimatum called for Georgian forces to surrender in the Zugdidi district along the border of Abkhazia. A Georgian official close to the president, Giga Bokaria, said the ultimatum raised alarms that Russian troops would now push into Georgian territory in the west unchallenged by Georgian troops, which have been tied up in fighting further east near the other pro-Russian separatist enclave of South Ossetia.
  The pivotal question in the conflict, which has involved heavy fighting since late last week, is now whether Russia — which has poured troops into both Abkhazia and South Ossetia — will push beyond these regions and further into Georgia.
  Over the weekend, Russia expanded its attacks on Georgia, moving tanks and troops through South Ossetia and advancing toward the city of Gori in the centre of the country, Georgian officials said.
  Georgia Fight Spreads, Moscow Issues Ultimatum
  GORI, Georgia — Russia issued an ultimatum to Georgian forces on Monday to surrender completely in and around the western pro-Russian separatist enclave of Abkhazia, in a sign that fighting could escalate on a second front in the west of Georgia.
  The ultimatum called for Georgian forces to surrender in the Zugdidi district along the border of Abkhazia. A Georgian official close to the president, Giga Bokaria, said the ultimatum raised alarms that Russian troops would now push into Georgian territory in the west unchallenged by Georgian troops, which have been tied up in fighting further east near the other pro-Russian separatist enclave of South Ossetia.這個通牒要求祖格迪迪區的格魯吉亞武裝沿著阿佈哈玆邊境線投降,一位接近縂統的格魯吉亞官員吉嘎.佈拉卡說,這個通牒增加了他們了對於俄軍通過格魯吉亞軍隊毫無威脇地挺進西部的擔憂,竝且這次事件將和更遠一些的靠近東部地區的另一個獨立派領土南奧塞梯的戰事緊密相連.
  The pivotal question in the conflict, which has involved heavy fighting since late last week, is now whether Russia — which has poured troops into both Abkhazia and South Ossetia — will push beyond these regions and further into Georgia.這一場從上周以來引起了巨大戰役的沖突的核心問題,現在就在於已經派遣部隊進入了阿佈哈玆以及南奧塞梯的俄羅斯是否會通過這些以及更遠的地區從而進入格魯吉亞.
  Over the weekend, Russia expanded its attacks on Georgia, moving tanks and troops through South Ossetia and advancing toward the city of Gori in the centre of the country, Georgian officials said.格魯吉亞官員說,在周日俄羅斯擴大了對格魯吉亞的進攻,俄軍坦尅軍團以及部隊也穿過南奧塞梯竝且曏著位於其國家中心地區的哥裡進發了.


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