詳解動詞 Sapere and Conoscere

詳解動詞 Sapere and Conoscere,第1張

詳解動詞 Sapere and Conoscere,第2張

The verbs sapere and conoscere both mean"to know," but have different implications. Sapere means"to know,""to be able to," or"to know how to." Take a look at these examples with the io form of sapere:

So la lezione. (I know the lesson.)

So cantare. (I know how to sing; I am able to sing.)

Conoscere means to know, to be acquainted with, or to make the acquaintance of:

Io conosco Francesca a casa di Giuseppe. (I met Francesca at Giuseppe's house.)

Non conosciamo la città. (We don't know the city.)


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