


第八章 被動語氣(Passive Voice)

  8§1 及物動詞和不及物動詞


  1.He was a teacher before.

  2.He went to school yesterday.

  3.He hit a dog.

  4.I saw you yesterday.

  5.He walks to school every day.

  6.He sent this book to me.

  7.They are good students.

  8.He wrote two novels.

  9.They ate all of the apples.

  10. He swims every morning.

  在以上的例子中,第3、4、6、8及9句子中的動詞都是及物動詞(transitive verbs)。這些動詞後麪都跟著一個名詞,而這個名詞是動詞的受詞(object),其它句子的動詞,都是不及物動詞,因爲他們都沒有任何受詞。






  He hit a dog.




  I saw you yesterday.




  He sent his book to me.



  his book

  He wrote two novels.



  two novels

  They ate all of the apples.



  all of the apples

  一旦動詞是及物動詞,我們就可以將這個句子由原來的主動語氣(active voice)改成被動語氣(passive voice)。但我們也要警告讀者,不要輕易用被動語氣,因爲有時被動語氣的句子是不自然的。

  8§2 沒有助動詞的被動語氣





  動詞變成verb to be+過去分詞(past participle)



  I saw a cat.


  A cat was seen by me.

  最重要的是,verb to be的時式必須和原句子的相同,以上的例子中,動詞是過去式,所以verb to be也是過去式。除此以外,verb to be也要配郃新的主詞。請看以下的例子:

  I saw two cats.


  Two cats were seen by me.

  以下是主動改被動的例子,最重要的是注意verb to be的形式:

  主動語氣(active voice)

  被動語氣(passive voice)

  Mr. Jones hit the dog.

  The dog was hit by Mr. Jones.

  My brother saw you yesterday.

  You were seen by my brother yesterday.

  He sent the book to me.

  The book was sent to me by him.

  Dickens wrote those two novels.

  Those two novels were written by Dickens.

  They ate all of the apples.

  All of he apples were eaten by them.

  Jane wrote that song.

  That song was written by Jane.

  My mother loves me.

  I am loved by my mother.



  He saw that movie last night.

  He wrote that letter to me.

  He teaches those English classes.

  God loves you.

  They bought two houses.

  I painted this room.

  He grows those roses.

  He helps his students.

  I sold the house.

  My uncle bought this car.



  The policeman was seen by me.

  Those two books were written by me.

  These sentences were corrected by my teacher.

  He was hit by a car.

  His door was locked by me.

  His house was built by my father.

  His boat was given to me by my father.

  This bird is rarely seen by people here.

  He is liked by every one.

  They were given ten dollars by their friends.

  This picture was taken by him.

  Too much wine was drunk by the young men.

  I was taught by Mr. Wang.

  He was helped by his father.

  They were served by that waiter.

  His food was prepared by my mother.

  His toy was made by my sister.

  The book was returned to me by Jim.

  That song was written by my brother.

  I was invited by him to a party.

  8§3 有助動詞肯定句子的被動語氣





  I am writing this letter.

  The letter is being written by me.


  I have written the letter.

  The letter has been written by me.


  I was writing the letter when you came.

  The letter was being written by me when you came.


  I had written the letter before you came.

  The letter had been written by me before you came.


  I will write the letter.

  The letter will be written by me.


  I will have written this letter.

  This letter will have been written by me.


  I am going to see you.

  You are going to be seen by me.




  I have seen him.

  He has been seen by me.

  He is going to help you.

  You are going to be helped by him.

  He will teach English.

  English will be taught by him.

  He has helped me all my life.

  I have been helped by him all my life.

  He had called me before you came.

  I had been called by him before you came.

  He was calling his mother when we went there.

  His mother was being called by him when we went there.

  助動詞不一定和時式有關,can、should、has to等等都是助動詞,這些助動詞在改成被動語氣的時後,都應維持原狀,衹需加入verb to be和過去分詞即可。以下是一些例子:



  I can play the piano.

  The piano can be played by me.

  I may use this room.

  This room may be used by me.

  He must give the book to me.

  The book must be given to me by him.

  You should help him.

  He should be helped by you.

  You have to write this letter.

  This letter has to be written by you.

  He ought to write this report.

  This report ought to be written by him.



  He has written three novels.

  He will write that letter.

  They will sing these songs tomorrow.

  He will give the speech.

  They are painting the house.

  I have given him three books.

  I can do this job.

  He had told me that story before we went there.

  Teachers should help the students.

  He is writing the report now.

  The students must read this book.

  I have to give this letter to my mother tonight.

  All citizens ought to obey the law.

  He has eaten all of the cakes.

  The reporters were taking pictures when the storm started.

  He had finished the work before five o'clock last night.

  Peter will write that letter.

  John has received my letter.

  Millions of people saw the movie “Gone with the wind”。

  He has proved that theorem.



  Two books have been written by Joseph.

  Football is being played by John.

  He should be given that lecture by his father.

  That report will be written by him.

  The letter has been received by the King.

  This movie should be seen by every one.

  This book ought to be read by every student.

  They are being helped by me.

  The movie is going to be seen by all of us.

  This cake can be eaten by kids.

  8§4 否定句子的被動語氣






  I did not take this picture.


  I took this picture.


  This picture was taken by me.


  This picture was not taken by me.


  They did not like the music.

  (a)。 They liked the music.

  (b)。 The music was liked by them.

  (c)。 The music was not liked by them.

  I have not written that letter.

  (a)。 I have written that letter.

  (b)。 That letter has been written by me.

  (c)。 That letter has not been written by me.

  You can not eat that cake.

  (a)。 You can eat that cake.

  (b)。 That cake can be eaten by you.

  (c)。 That cake can not be eaten by you.

  He does not play music.

  (a)。 He plays that kind of music.

  (b)。 That kind of music is played by him.

  (c)。 That kind of music is not played by him.

  I am not going to see you.

  (a)。 I am going to see you.

  (b)。 You are going to be seen by me.

  (c)。 You are not going to be seen by me.

  They will not see that movie.

  (a)。 They will see that movie.

  (b)。 That movie will be seen by them.

  (c)。 That movie will not be seen by them.

  They did not help me.

  (a)。 They helped me.

  (b)。 I was helped by them.

  (c)。 I was not helped by them.

  I did not tell that story.

  (a)。 I told that story.

  (b)。 That story was told by me.

  (c)。 That story was not told by me.




  They do not enjoy such music.

  Such music is not enjoyed by them.

  He did not tell that story.

  That story was not told by him.

  They have not written that story.

  That story has not been told by them.

  Peter is going to see me.

  I am not going to be seen by Peter.

  He will not help me.

  I will not be helped by him.

  John will not eat that cake.

  That cake will not be eaten by John.

  I can not drink that wine.

  That wine can not be drunk by me.



  The farmers here do not grow apples.

  He did not meet me last night.

  I have not written that letter.

  John is not going to see that movie.

  I did not watch that movie.

  He does not speak English.

  He will not speak English.

  You should not eat that cake.

  My mother does not eat that kind of fish.

  John has not written that report.



  The book was not written by him.

  I am not going to be helped by you.

  That book has not been received by John.

  That song is not liked by college students.

  John is not loved by Mary.

  I will not be met by my student tomorrow.

  Meat is not eaten by vegetarians.

  The door was not opened by me.

  That ten dollars were not paid by me.

  The car was not bought by me.

  8§5 問句的被動語氣



  Do young kids enjoy classical music?


  Young kids enjoy classical music.


  Music is enjoyed by young kids.


  Is music enjoyed by young kids?


  1. Did you eat that cake?

  You ate that cake.

  That cake was eaten by you.

  Was that cake eaten by you?

  2. Do farmers in Taiwan grow apples?

  Farmers in Taiwan grow apples.

  Apples are grown by farmers in Taiwan.

  Are apples grown by farmers in Taiwan?

  3. Have you finished the report?

  You have finished the report.

  The report has been finished by you.

  Has the report been finished by you?

  4. When did you write that letter?

  You wrote that letter.

  That letter was written by you.

  When was the letter written by you?

  5. Have you seen that movie?

  You have seen that movie.

  That movie has been seen by you.

  Has the movie been seen by you?

  6. When did Stevenson write that novel?

  Stevenson wrote that novel.

  That novel was written by Stevenson.

  When was that novel written by Stevenson?

  8. Is he painting his room?

  He is painting his room.

  His room is being painted by him.

  Is his room being painted by him?




  Does he help his students?

  Are his students helped by him?

  Did he tell that story?

  Was that story told by him?

  Has she written that story?

  Has that story been written by her?

  Whom is Peter going to visit?

  Who is going to be visited by Peter?

  When did you read that book?

  When was that book written by you?

  Does he enjoy that song?

  Is that song enjoyed him?

  Why do his friends avoid him?

  Why is he avoided by his friends?

  Whom did you see?

  Who was seen by you?

  Has he read that report?

  Has that report been read by him?

  Is he writing that letter?

  Is that letter being written by him?



  Is he writing a book?

  Did he write that book?

  Did you sign that letter?

  Where did you see that movie?

  When did you see that movie?

  Has he finished that job?

  Did mother give you the gift?

  Did your mother visit you last night?

  Do they grow roses?

  Do they speak English?

  Did you play that game of tennis?

  Will you teach English?



  Was the cake eaten by you?

  Is he liked by all of us?

  Is that kind of music loved by every one in Japan?

  Is fish eaten by old people?

  Are roses loved by most women?

  Was he called by you?

  Is soccer played by John?

  When was this music written by Mozart?

  When was he seen by you?

  Were they seen by you last night?



  I (send) two letters yesterday. (do) you (receive) them? Every letter (write) by me. Please (write) back to me soon.

  I (invite) to a dancing party last week. The music (be) so noisy. I (leave) the party as early as I (can)。

  Did you (write) that report? Yes, it (write) by me.

  He (not like) music when he was a child. After he (get) into college, he (teach) by a good music professor. Now, he (enjoy) music very much and (listen) to classical music every morning.

  I (buy) a red car yesterday. It (make) in Japan. It will __________ (deliver) to me tomorrow.

  I (not go) to school yesterday because my bicycle (steal)。

  I (buy) a new bike yesterday.

  Where (do) you go last night? I (can) not (find) you. You (see) by no one.

  A: (do) he (smoke)?

  B: No, he (do not)。 Smoking has never (try) by him.

  Was the book (write) by him?

  I (buy) three books lately. One (write) by Graham Greene.

  I (finish) reading it. There (be) many interesting stories in it.



  *This is a book which wrote by Dickens.

  *Are the music enjoyed by those elderly people?

  *When are you visited by your father yesterday?

  *This book written by John.

  *He is invited to come to my home by my father yesterday.

  *This house is built in 1913.

  *This letter was wrote by him.

  *This letter has never finished.

  *Was you given a book?

  *I have never called by my father. I always call him first.





