

In all citation styles, when you wish to include long quotations (more than four lines), you should do so in set-off block format. Left-indent the set-off quotation an appropriate amount (often a half-inch) and prepare for it with a signal statement ending in a colon:

  Steven Katz wryly deconstructs one of the leading figures in the modern Christian tradition:

  "The Jews" did obsess Luther. They were of immediate, desperate, overwhelming concern. Though as both Oberman and Mark Edwards, following a long tradition of Lutheran scholars, emphasize, no more so than a number of other enemies, for example, the Catholic church, the papacy, and the Turks. . . . Luther was a great hater, an ecumenical hater, and Jews had a prominent place on his hate list. (1:388-89)

  Privacy, one observer suggests, is the cardinal virtue of the Dutch:

  Dutch citizens are proud of their country; they think well of it, and they want you to think well of it, but they do not necessarily want to unpack it, know all the details, sometimes tear the paper from the cracks, and reach independent judgments. . . . Never in the line of duty have I been bamboozled as in The Netherlands, where they all tell you different things, no one want to make a full disclosure and they will pick holes in any generalization you care to profess. . . . (Peter Lawrence, in Lawrence and Edwards 167)

  In his study of the budgeting practices of more than 400 U.S. firms, Unapathy found budget games and manipulation were widespread:

  Deferring a needed expenditure [was the budget game] used with the highest frequency. . . . Getting approvals after money was spent, shifting funds between accounts to avoid budget overruns, and employment of contract labor to avoid exceeding headcount limits are the other relatively popular games. . . . (90)

  Robert Simons, Levers of Control: How Managers Use Innovative Control Systems to Drive Strategic Renewal (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1995), 83.

  Note that a good signal statement often gives a quick summary of the quotation.

  Set-off quotations do's and don'ts:

  ●Use a complete statement, not a fragment, to signal the quotation.

  ●Punctuate the signal statement with a colon.

  ●ndent on the left (from a quarter-inch to an inch, depending on format and teacher requirements).

  ●Don't put quotation marks around the set-off quotation.

  ●Put a space after the quotation's terminal punctuation and then supply the parenthetical reference (see the examples above; note that this differs from punctuating short quotations).


Fombrum says,

"A name essentially describes how a company is perceived on the outside. It signals to outside observers what a company stands for; the quality of its products. When the value-priced cosmetics maker Avon tried to improve its reputation by purchasing the prestige retailer Tiffany's in 1979, most doubted the wisdom of the move. That's why it came as no surprise when five years later Avon sold off the operation. Not only did owning Tiffany's fail to add luster to Avon, but negative publicity about Avon ownership was rapidly tarnishing Tiffany's reputation (Fombrum 42)."
Names can be highly valuable business assets:

A name essentially describes how a company is perceived on the outside. It signals to outside observers what a company stands for; the quality of its products. When the value-priced cosmetics maker Avon tried to improve its reputation by purchasing the prestige retailer Tiffany's in 1979, most doubted the wisdom of the move. That's why it came as no surprise when five years later Avon sold off the operation. Not only did owning Tiffany's fail to add luster to Avon, but negative publicity about Avon ownership was rapidly tarnishing Tiffany's reputation. (Fombrum 42)





