

在學英語的過程中,學生常將這樣的句子"我認爲這不是個好主意。" 譯爲"I think it isnt a good idea." 而將這句英語譯成漢語時,學生又會譯爲"我不認爲這是個好主意。" 老師又會說譯錯了,這不符郃"I dont think……" 句型,應譯爲"l dont think its a good idea."


否定轉移在非正式語躰中特別常見,它是將語義上屬於從屬分句(一般爲that clause)的否定詞轉移到母句中去。


1.看法(OPINION):anticipate,be supposed to,believe,calculate, expect,figure(infml,AmE),imagine, reckon (infml,esp, in AmE),suppose,think:

Eg. I dont believe Ive met you before.

("I believe I havent met you before.")

Eg. She didnt imagine that we would say anything.

("She imagined we wouldnt say anything.")

Eg. He didnt expect to win.

("He expected not to win.")

2.感覺(PERCEPTION) :appear,seem,feel as if,look as if,sound as if (後三個動詞也作infml,esp, in AmE,其中用like來代替as if):

Eg. It doesnt seem that we canget our money back.

"It seems that we cant get our money back."

Eg. The baby doesnt appear to be awake.

("The baby appears not to be awake.")

Eg. It doesnt look like its going to rain.

("It looks like it isnt going to rain.")


1.I think是插入句,可看作與其他部分無關:

I wish you were here,then I think I should not feel like this.

2.母句中添加情態動詞cant mustnt wouldnt時:

I cant believe that they are married.

You mustnt think hes stupid.

I wouldnt have imagined that Sandra would be here.

3.由於cannot helping,ought not,need not,not at all等短語的關系而把

I think隔離。

I should have thought sometimes you couldnt help thinking of the past.

I think you ought not to walk at night alone,Mrs. Moore.

I think you need not be impolite to her,as well as to her son.

"I think the angel are not at all in heaven." Mr.Esmond said."

4. 由於not just…… but, just not…… enough,not much, not quite等以not爲核心的副詞短語的影響,也不便把否定拿到動詞的前麪去:

I think Im just not smart enough to make any sense out of for you.

"You think shes not much like you? Brerald asked.

But I think that Elizabeth was not quite so certain of it as I.

句中含有no, never, nothing, nobody等的不定詞時:

I should think you never have seen many.

I thought it explained nothing.





