



  Dear students,

  This is Thursday afternoon/evening, 5:02 P.M. I guess when I finish writing this STS, I had better go up to Rm. 306 to take a look at the beautiful notice-board that they (Eva, Shirley, Yeedee, Sugus, Larry, Griffin, Douglas, and some girls from other classes …) have been doing. I really want to thank them for what they have done for us. Perhaps I should go up right now.


  This is 15 minutes later. I am just back from our classroom. I saw them busily doing the notice-board. Great! I really appreciate what they have been doing. Well, I also did something myself——putting up a temporary letter box at the bottom left-hand corner of the notice-board next to the blackboard and close to the window. Perhaps I will replace it with a more colourful one later. At the moment, if you want to tell me anything, you do not have to wait until you write your STS. You can write your message on a piece of paper and then drop it into my letter box. You don't have to write down your name if you don't want to. I will collect the messages every now and then. You shall have your own letter boxes pretty soon.

  I have had a nice talk with Miss Chan, the Social Worker of our school. She came to my desk and asked what I was doing (I was reading your STSs and writing down feedback)。 She asked if she could read my STSs.I let. her have a quick look at my STSs (not your STSs, don't worry)。 She asked if I can give her copies of my STSs because she is interested in what I write. Of course, I said “yes”。 She then told me she will soon leave us, i.e., she is going to quit her job as a social worker. Too bad——she is such a nice person; we shall lose a good social worker soon.



  ·finish to write…×

  · finish writing…√

  · finish this STS√

  have been doing以are doing代替也可但用前者更能表現英語能力。


  ·thank them for this √

  ·thank them for doing this √

  ·thank them for what they do √


  I am just back…√

  I just came back…√

  I just back…×


  ·do the board = design the board

  ·do the garden = beautify thegarden

  ·do your hair = style your hair


  replace A with B的意思是以B取代A.

  At the moment的意思是“目前”,暗示接著的情況都是暫時性的。

  every now and then這短語用



  ·pretty soon√

  ·rather soon ×

  · pretty late ×

  ·rather late√

  feedback 解作“廻應”是個不可數名詞。


  ·I let her look at my STSs quickly.

  ·I let her quickly look at my STSs.

  ·I let her have a quick look at my STSs.


  ·…is interested in…√

  ·…is interested on…×

  ·…is interested about…×


  Too bad是較口語化的英語,意思是“真可惜”,可用what a shame!代替。


  Indirect speech with present tense

  關於“直接引語”(direct speech)和“間接引語”(indirect speech)的用法,不少學生都有一些誤解。他們以爲所有動詞的時態在間接引語中都必須轉爲過去時或過去完成時,其實竝不盡然。衹要陳述的內容在書寫的時候仍然屬實,我們便可保畱其原有時態,或將其時態改爲過去時。請蓡考以下例句。



  Test Your Understanding

  1. I have a cold and a sore throat. I feel very tired. I want to sleep more. But I have not finished my revision. My mother took away my candies. She said that when I ______a sore throat, I n _______to have less sweets and drink more water.

  2. Do you remember I told you that I 1_______ Michael Chang, my idol? He is good at playing tennis. He has been my idol for five years. Do you like him?

  3. Mr. Yeung, sometimes I hate my father very much. He is very stubborn. I always feel no freedom at home because he does not allow me to make friends. When I am talking on the phone, he usually says that I s______ too much time talking on the phone. Last night, when I was going out to have dinner with my friends, he said that I turning into a bad girl. I told him that I______ not a baby any more and I c______ take care of myself. But he did not listen to me.

  4. Do you like this world? I think you like it because you are a Christian. Do you remember once I told you that I 1______ a place which full of fresh air, a lot of flowers, grass, sunshine and where there______ no noises, crime, selfishness, liars, money or troubles. I think such a place exists. only in my dreams. Do you think so?





