



  Dear students,

  I am really glad that most of you turned in your letters to me and some of you wrote down words from your hearts. I really appreciate that. Some wanted to know how I spent my Mid-AutumnFestival holiday. Well, like many other fathers, I took my kids (a daughter of about five and a son of about two) to a playground on Saturday night. I bought each of them a paper lantern. I put a lighted candle in my daughter's lantern but I didn't do so with my son's because I thought it would be dangerous. I agree that it was no fun at all carrying a lantern without any lighting but it was lucky that he didn't complain. Probably it was because he is only two——a two-year-old boy does not know anything. Perhaps I should have bought him an electrical one. How foolish I was!

  Many of you told me that you were lazy; you were bad last year and this year you want to change. I am really glad to hear that and I believe that you can. “Change”is not easy but you can do it of you believe you can. I support you. Many years ago I taught a girl. Many other teachers told me that she was a triad member and it was difficult to change her. Somehow I felt she was not bad at all. Once she wrote me a diary entry in which she said she very much wanted to be a policewoman someday but she did not think she could. I told her right away that I believed she could. Guess what——now she has been doing the job of a policewoman for five years. I have just told you a 100% true story. Can you see my point in the story?——“change”is possible though not easy. Work harder, my friends, work harder! You can do it.


  一些短語如:most of you、some of them、many of us及a few of these等都是英語的慣用語。



  at night解作“晚上”;但“某天晚上”則要說:on Monday night或on Wednesday night.


  my son's相等於my son's lantern,但lantern在這裡可以省略。

  這裡的at all用於否定句,例如:no fun at all (完全無趣)或not bad at all (一點也不壞)。

  用should have bought…表示後悔的意思,即“本該買……”。


  這句子共有四個動詞,但語法竝無錯誤,因爲用了三個連詞(conjunction):即but、if及believe(that)you can. that是連詞,此処省略。


  someday =in the future.

  在說一些令人驚訝的事情之前可以用Guess what.

  用現在完成進行時(present perfect continuous tense)來表示某行動是始於過去,但現在仍然繼續進行。

  原來的句子應是though it is not easy,但寫作though not easy更簡潔有力。例如:It is dangerous though interesting.


  Present vs. Past tense

  學生們往往會在上作文課的時候,問老師應該用現在時(present tense),還是過去時(past tense)來寫文章。事實上,在同一篇文章裡,現在時和過去時極可能會同時出現,甚至在同一句子中,我們也可能看見兩種不同的時態(tense)。讓我們從本單元中挑出兩個例句加以說明:


  1.I agree that it was no fun at all carrying a lantern without any lighting.

  2.Many of you told me that you were lazy; you were bad last year and this year you want to change.

  因此儅我們寫文章時,要養成以下的習慣:每儅使用一個動詞時,先問問自己,究竟所寫的是關於以前的,還是現在的事情、感受或思想。不過,儅我們要談一些始於過去,卻又屬於現在的事時,我們不能用簡單的現在時或過去時,而是用現在完成進行時(present perfect continuous tense)。請看看本單元的例句:


  Guess what——now she has been doing the job of a policewoman for five years.

  另外,我們有時候希望表達自己後悔從前沒有做某些事情,不過我們不能用簡單的現在時或過去時,我們可以說:I should have done it.(我本該這樣做)請再看看本單元的例句:


  Perhaps I should have bought him an electrical one. How foolish I was!


  Test Your Understanding

  1.8th Sept 95 is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I felt very happy because my friend and I watch the moon together. The moon was very big and yellow. We talked and played candles. We went home after half an hour. I think we should stay longer.

  2.I hope you could let us write to you once every week because it was not easy to write something. And I hope when you teach in class, you could speak slower, In the last few lessons, many students and I find it difficult to follow you.

  3.I am very happy when I read your letter yesterday. You told us a lot about yourself. Let me tell you something about myself. I have many hobbies, like football, basketball and volleyball.…I spent a lot of time playing these. I was a lazy boy, so I failed in exams last year. I am a repeater. This year I would try my best.

  4.The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday was great fun. Many people go somewhere to enjoy their holiday. But many people, like my family, stayed at home to have a good dinner. We watch TV at home together. I also feel that“change”is not easy. Last year I was very lazy. I have to change my lazy habits. I would try my best in my study.





