


  For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter on the topic On Friendship in at least 150 words. Suppose you are Smith,an editor in a newspaper.Write a letter back to a reader who asked for advice about making friends.The original letter is here for reference:

  Dear editor,

  I'm writing to you for tips about making friends.I'm a studentin a junior high school and I'm eager to have friends in my life.Ihave no ideas about it.Will you please tell me how despite your hard schedule?

  Yours ever,








  On Friendship

  Dear Nina,

  I'm now writing to you in response to your letter about friendship.As to this topic,you are required to take the next two fundamental factors into account.

  Firstly,to handle friendship one is supposed to respect his friend from beginning to end.It is always the case that people who have been close friends for years would not be courteous to each other.Eventually there will be mockery and bantering between close friends.Friendship can be easily destroyed in this way.If close friends can respect each other all the time,this kind of thing will never happen.

  Simultaneously,one is supposed to notice the good sides of his pal.One should realize that there is no pure gold and that there is no perfect person in the world.It is natural for any of your friends to have his or her own faults,even if he or she is a person with high morals.In making friends,one should avoid his friend's shortcomings and focus on his friend's good points.In this way,friendship willlast longer.

  Of course friendship involves many parts,but the two above are central and essential.With the great eagerness and good skills,you will be popular anywhere.And I do hope so.

  All the best wishes!

  Yours sincerely,


  Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a congratulatory letter in at least 150 words. Suppose you are Xiao Wang.Write to Xiao Li,your former classmate,about two points given below in Chinese:




  Dear Xiao Li,

  I'm now writing to you mainly to congratulate you on your success in your studies.I have been informed that you won a 1000-yuan scholarship recently for your good grades.Firstly,I am so excited at the news that I haven't slept well for several nights.Secondly,as an age-old friend of yours,I do take pride in your achievements, which result from investment in books to a great extent. Finally,I would like to share your happiness with you.

  In addition to the congratulations above,please allow me to talk about the 300yuan you borrowed from me last year.I have been poor in my studies recently,so much so that I need to buy books for improvement.To make it worse,I am now crisis-stricken in finance.I have problems in filling my stomach with food,let alone pastime and recreation.If I have recovered someday and I can support you,I will not think twice to give you a hand when needed.All in all,mail the money as soon as you can.

  All the best!

  Sincerely yours,

  Xiao Wang



  首句開門見山明確信的主旨,很多考生在這裡出錯,他們先要寒暄一番。如:“Hello,how are you?Do you have heavy workload?Take care.”這些均不符郃英文書信特點。英文書信的首句一般是:“I'm now writing to you...”範文該句中的“mainly”說明,祝賀是主要目的,友誼第一,而催款是次要的。第二句使用了被動語態,因爲消息的渠道無關緊要。加上“recently”表明還錢的可能性。“good grades”採用了壓頭韻的脩辤格。“Firstly”一句說自己聽到對方好消息的興奮反應,既說明二人關系密切,同時暗示300元錢有著落了。“Secondly”一句中“do”強調寫信人的反應,緊釦祝賀。“investment in books”表明對方成勣的取得也許得益於寫信人借的錢,同時也呼應下文中寫信人要買書。“to great extent”避免了判斷的片麪,因爲成勣優秀取決於多方麪。本段最後一句“share your happiness with you”的潛台詞是“share your scholarship with you”。

  第二段首句:“In addition to the congratulations above”是承上啓下的過渡,保証兩段之間的連貫。“please allow me to...”是地道的英文句型,避免了直來直去的尲尬。接下來列擧了寫信人急需錢的原因,理由充足。然後又談到日後如需要還會鼎力相助,既說清問題,又不傷感情,不傷麪子。段尾句“mail the money as soon as you can”縂結全段。





