My Impression of University Life

My Impression of University Life,第1張

My Impression of University Life,第2張

How time flies! One month has passed before I could take any notice of it. This is the start of my freshman year in Fudan University. At the very beginning, everything and everyone is strange to me. But now, everyday and in everyway, I am getting better;I am getting used to it.

  I would like to tell you two things in my university life that are of great importance and interest.

  Freedom is what I am looking forward to since the very first day of my primary school. A lot of people said to me,"Study hard, and you will get freedom when in university." But when I really entered university, I find the real situation is different.Freedom costs me a lot. If I refuse to wash my clothes, for example, they will just lay there, unclean. In a word, I have to do everything and take care of myself. Well, it doesn't mean that I don't like the life style. On the contrary, I like it very much though it is hard at the beginning. It is really a challenge for me.

  I appreciate a famous saying from Albert Camus,"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better." That's right. Real freedom comes with responsibility. Some teenagers believe that freedom means doing whatever you like. But I think that is not real freedom at all. One can have his or her own freedom, while at the same time respect others'. It is not easy to think on behalf of others. University life provides me with this precious chance to practice it.


  Another thing I want to mention is love. Love in the university is different from other places. In my secondary school, love among students are strictly forbidden. But since it is human nature to desire for something that is not allowed, there are still some some lovebirds flying around us. Parents and teachers are unwilling to see it happen. They make great efforts to stop these birds flying. I still remember two of my friends who were threatened to leave school by my teachers finally had to end their puppy love, though unwillingly.

  But now, something interesting in Fudan is that love exists everywhere. For instance, the first lesson of my English class is about love. A small play in the Yingxin (Freshmen Welcome Party) called"Turn Left and Turn Right" is about students love in Fudan. Some of my roommates have boyfriends. At night,while lying in bed, we always share their love stories. What's more, even our instructor once said,"In our department, girls are more than boys. So we will have a party with the Chemistry Department, the situation in which is just the opposite. I was surprised about the attitude towards love here. Is our instructor encouraging us to find someone to fall in love with? I cannot understand it quite well.

  What I mentioned above are the two things impressed me most at the very beginning of my freshmen year. They are surely my first impression, and I am sure with the process of my university life I will get more out of it.

  簡 評

  該文章語言比較流暢自然,能夠很恰儅地結郃引語,Albert Camus的引言有點睛之感。作者也有較好的使用英語脩辤能力,如將學生之間的戀情比爲"lovebirds flying around us",語言繪聲繪色,有很強的表現力。文章的謀篇佈侷也是不錯的,開首點明了大學生活的縂躰感受之後,沒有老生常談般的報學校生活的流水賬,而是將著眼點放在了兩個很具有大學生活特色的具躰內容上——自由和愛情,這樣就很能引起讀者閲讀的興趣。在具躰描述大學生的自由和愛情給作者的感受時,她以一個大學新生的眼光——嚴格地說應該是一個高中生的眼光——寫出了新生活新觀點給自己帶來的沖擊。這充分反映出了作者對生活變化的敏銳感知力。尤其值得一提的是"自由"部分的描述,作者不僅僅侷限於客觀描寫,還加入了自己的思考,寫出了"Real freedom comes with responsibility."這樣閃耀著年輕人智慧火花和責任感的好句子。但需要指出的是,文章美中不足的是結尾,顯得比較倉促,僅僅是對開頭的簡單重申,讓人讀後有虎頭蛇尾之感。如果能將結尾処理得更精致些,再稍有陞華,整篇文章就很完美了。


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