The Worst Pet in the World I Think

The Worst Pet in the World I Think,第1張

The Worst Pet in the World I Think,第2張

I think the worst pet in the world is a monkey. It‘s because they’re obstinate,not cuts and would tear your books. If my father bought a monkey for my birthday,I would never forgive him. It would be a nightmare. I can‘t think what would happen!

  If I had a monkey for my pet,he would jump to my bed every morning and scratch my face. Oh,I can‘t think what my little pretty face would be like!After we went to school or to work,he would begin to destroy our house. He will tear my books up,my homework and break our dishes,plants and glasses. Play the piano and make noise. Maybe he will leave many stinking“poo-poo”on my bed. Oh,that’s the most terrible and disgusting thing. So if my father bought a monkey for my birthday present,I‘d be crazy. But I’m lucky to say that my father would not do it. Because he hates monkey too!


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