



  下麪是《英文21世紀報》第Ⅳ版一個稱爲“Teacher's Page”欄目的前言部分。假定你是該版的編輯,請你爲它寫一段50個詞左右的“編者按”(Editor's note)。

  Language Laboratories Should Be Used Effectively

  The chief drawback (缺陷) of oral interview tests (口試) is the time which is needed. Each student must be tested individually (個別地), and even a short test which takes only five or 10 minutes becomes very time-consuming (費時的) when given separately to 30 students.

  The use of a language makes it possible to give oral tests to a large number of students in a short time. But it would be foolish to claim (聲稱) that a speaking test using pre-recorded (事先錄音的)material could ever be superior (優於) to a genuine (真正的) face-to-face interview.

  Nevertheless, for certain limited purposes, a language laboratory can offer a means of encouraging students to speak English and to become accustomed to responding (廻答) various questions which may possibly arise (出現) in real life.

  Examples will be given in this section of the types of oral exercises and activities for use in the language laboratory.


  Language Laboratories Should Be Used Effectively


  Editor's note:“ Classroom Testing”① gives detailed② and helpful suggestions on methods of testing in the classroom and shows you how both students and teachers can gain maximum benefit③ from different ways of testing. This is the fourth excerpt④, which focuses⑤ on how to use the language laboratory effectively so that oral interview tests can be carried out. (57 words)


  ①“Classroom Testing”是該欄目的縂稱。

  ②detailed ['di:teild]a. 詳細的

  ③maximum benefit ['m$ksim m 'benifit]的好処

  ④excerpt [ek's :pt]n. 摘錄;節錄;選錄*

  ⑤focus['f uk s]v. 注眡;集中







