Computers in Students Flats

Computers in Students Flats,第1張

Computers in Students Flats,第2張

Computersin students' flats (宿捨) are a catch word on campus. An increasing number of students can afford or hire computers. They appreciate a chance to learn about computers from the comfort of their own flats, without the embarrassment (尲尬,難爲情) or shyness of going into a computer hall and feeling not educated.

  The world is changing with a speed like never before, and students feel that computers are playing an important role in that change. They agree that they must have computer skills to survive in today's world. They get on board, cease to be computer illiterate (電腦盲) on the information highway. No student should enter the future without being computer literate.

  While students take giant steps to catch up on the information superhighway, they should be alerted to problems of buying or renting computers. Playing games or surfing aimlessly on the Internet will do much harm. Otherwise, any attempt to learn computer will end up as nothing but an empty dream.

  核心剖析 由於提綱理順了每段內容的發展思路,正式動筆時較易把握段落與段落之間的邏輯聯系。寫作時還可利用提綱按照需要對選取細節及例証進行適度增補、刪節或略微調整。


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