Research report,第1張

Research report,第2張

你想知道男生最想了解的關於女生的問題嗎?你想知道女生最想了解的關於男生的問題嗎?你想知道大家最關心的關於老師的問題嗎?SSP在本學期中對幾所學校的同學們進行的問卷調查告訴你答案。 : )

  “Q”s are the questions listed by the SSP on the questionnaire (問卷)。

  What do boys want to know most about girls?

  What do girls like most?

  Why do girls like to dress up?

  Which idols do girls like most?

  What kind of boys do girls like most?

  Why are girls so changeable?

  Why don't girls like to play sports?

  How to invite a girl to a movie?

  What do girls want to know most about boys?

  Why do boys love history?

  Why do boys seem so careless about everything?

  Which idols do boys admire(崇拜)most?

  Why do boys never speak about their secrets?

  What do boys always chat about?

  Why are there always conflicts between boys and girls?

  How often do they wash their clothes?

  Comments from the SSP: The questions above reflect the impressions boys and girls make on each other. To boys, girls seem to care too much about their appearance. Boys are also curious about what girls like and want to get along well with girls. To girls, boys are a little bit mysterious. The things boys have so much interest in are quite different from girls'. But the question about favorite idols appears on both lists. Maybe such a question is a good topic for both boys and girls to start a conversation.

  What do students want to know most about teachers?

  How old are the teachers?

  Are they married or single? If they do get married, will they send out sweets to their students?

  Do they have boyfriends or girlfriends? What do they look like?

  Did teachers do anything naughty when they were students?

  Why do teachers like top students?

  What are the nicknames of the teachers?

  What are teachers' hobbies?

  Are there any interesting things about their childhoods?

  Do teachers raise any pets? What pets do they have?

  If they were not teachers, what else would they want to do?

  Comments from the SSP: Students are very interested in their teachers. They always talk about their teachers. Students regard their teachers as somewhat mysterious. From the report we can conclude that the personal life of teachers gets the most attention from students. Students also want to know about their teachers' childhoods. Maybe teachers can talk to their students about their childhoods, their studies, their personal interests and so on. It is a very good chance to enhance the communication between teachers and students.


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