

When we come across anything difficult, we must persevere (堅忍不拔,不屈不撓)。 A person can succeed only through perseverance.

  During the summer holidays in 1995, I had an exciting trip——climbing Mount Tai with my parents and my sister.

  On the trip, my parents wanted to take a cable car(纜車)to reach the top of the mountain while my sister and I insisted on climbing it by ourselves.

  “OK,”my mother said.“But make sure that you get to Nan Tian Men in two hours.”

  I went to a shop nearby to buy some mineral water(鑛泉水), two climbing sticks and some other things that I thought we might need.“Are they any good for climbing?”my sister asked. “Yes. I think they're worth buying. We must prepare ourselves to solve(1)the problems we shall[may] (2)meet with and they will do us good(3),”I replied.

  On our way of climbing, nearly everything I had bought proved of some practical use, and it proved that I was in the right(4)。 But it was not long before we felt very tired.“If only I had followed Mum and Dad,”my sister complained.

  Just then, some farmer-like men came up. They called out to us:“Do you want to take sedan-chairs(轎子)?They're both cheap and comfortable.”With a smile I said,“Well, we'd rather climb to the top of the mountain by ourselves. Thank you all the same.”

  “Why not…”my sister looked at me in surprise.“Oh, don't give up!”I told her.“You know, there will certainly be some more difficulties before us. But if we persevere, we are sure to succeed.”

  We climbed on for some more time, singing and laughing. Now judging from the map, we knew that Nan Tian Men was within easy reach. Full of self-confidence, we quickened our steps.

  When we reached it, my parents looked at us in praise.

  “Youngsters always have more energy,”my mother said. “When I came here twenty years ago, I climbed the mountain by myself, too.”

  “Really?”my father said.“And I remember that [for](5)nearly an hour you were on my back!”

  上海市延安中學高一(6)班 陳文娟

  評 語

  這是一篇較爲出色的作文,無論是搆思、立意,還是結尾処的幽默都反映出作者較強的寫作能力。另外,全文在英語文字的運用方麪也顯得較爲老練,如用了一些學生較難使用的詞語和結搆:make sure, are they any good for…, proved of some practical use, within easy reach等等。文章中某些語言上的不足之処點評脩改如下:

  (1)盡琯可以說prepare oneself to do sth.。但這裡似乎用介詞for更爲簡潔。









