A Typical Day in My Life,第1張

A Typical Day in My Life,第2張




  ass="superseo">ATypical Day in My Life

  My alarm clock rings at 6 o'clock every morning and I usually get up at once. Exercising for about ten minutes, I comb my hair, wash my face, eat my breakfast, and leave for school.

  Generally, I go to school by bus. The bus is always crowded. In the bus, I look at the signs through the windows, watch the passengers, and even read the newspaper head lines over someone's shoulder. It takes me about half an hour to get to school.

  My first class begins at eight o'clock and my last class ends at five. After school hours, I sometimes go to the Students Center or to the library for an hour or so. Afterwards, I go home.

  As soon as I get home, I sit down, do my homework and study my lessons for the next day. At 7 o'clock, we eat dinner. Then I relax, watch TV, take a walk, or visit a friend.

  At about 10 o'clock I get into bed and fall asleep immediately. I sleep until the alarm clock goes off again the next morning.

  If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.




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