範文:Studying Abroad 2,第1張

範文:Studying Abroad 2,第2張


  StudyingAbroad. 現在越來越多人想出國畱學,一些人是想出國深造爲將來祖國的建設添甎加瓦,也有的人衹想出國,享受一種舒適的生活,你對此怎樣看待。寫一短文就以上提示談談你的看法。


  Studying Abroad

  In recent years, more and more people want to study abroad. In foreign countries, there is a lot of advanced knowledge, which is of great use to our country. Some people want to learn abroad in order to benefit our country.

  However, there are also some people who go abroad for some other purposes. They simply want to find a job there and enjoy a comfortable life. They forget that their motherland needs them.

  So we should not say studying abroad is a good thing or bad thing. I hope those who study abroad will come back. We will work together to make a better life for ourselves.



  “祖國母親”一詞英語也常表達爲“Father land”


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