範文:The News Media 2,第1張

範文:The News Media 2,第2張





  There are four main ways for people to be informed about the news: newspapers, magazines, radio and TV news broadcasts. A person may use one or all of these sources for information. Each source is useful in its own way.

  Newspapers and magazines can give much information about a particular event. They usually provide some history of the event and some of its causes and effects. Sometimes they also give an opinion or point of views on a particular development. Many people may enjoy reading a newspaper or magazine while waiting for a bus or before going to sleep. Thus they can become informed without spending much time.

  Radio and television can help a person to be well informed about what is happening each day. They always keep people widely and promptly informed. It is also possible to listen to the radio or watch TV and do something else at the same time.

  Many   people can even listen to the news on their car radio while driving. That's one of the reasons why radio and television are becoming more and more popular with the people who want to be informed about the news.




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