Jon, the Third Son,第1張

Jon, the Third Son,第2張

The last member of the family was always following his older brothers and sister(siblings). When he was a baby, his sister would dress him as a little girl because she always wanted a baby sister. This way, Pam could pretend to be the mother to baby Jon. They became good friends.

  When Jon entered elementary school, he found that he was very good at many sports. His first team sport was soccer(Chinese football). He was larger than many of the children due to his heritage from his large Scandinavian ancestors. As a descendant, his large size gave him an advantage. Of course, in soccer, you must be able to run fast, which Jon could do.

  Then, he began to play American football. He was tall so they could throw the ball to him and he could reach over the other boys to catch it. A few times in high school, he caught the ball and outran the opposing team to score a touchdown. Jon also played"place kicker" where he kicked the ball through the goal for a score.

  Jon played tennis on the high school team. But his favorite sport was basketball. One year he scored more points than any player in his league of teams. Jon also played basketball in college.

  Jon played the cello in orchestra in high school. He was part of a musical family so he had the opportunity to play this large string instrument.

  Jon married his lovely Denise at a lake near his grandmother's home. His aunt Susan had a cabin with a beautiful sandy beach. It was here that his brother-in-law, Gayle Beebe, performed the ceremony.

  Jon worked for Nike Athletic Company for two years. He met Denise at work. In 1997, he became a manager for Adidas athletic company in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, a city of 24 million people. Jon and Denise now are enjoying many new adventures in this city.

  Words and Phrases

  sibling n.(常用複)兄弟,姐妹,同胞

  due to prep.由於

  heritage n.遺傳,繼承物,世襲

  Scandinavian a.斯堪的納維亞的

  descendant n.子孫,後裔

  advantage n.優勢,有利條件

  cello n.大提琴

  cabin n.小屋

  ceremony n.儀式,典禮

  Brazil n.巴西


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