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Former Senator George Mitchell calls the use of steroids in Major League Baseball the game's worst scandal in nearly ninety years .His report names Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada and Andy Pettittee among the users. Mitchell says everyone in baseball in the last twenty years shares responsibility.

The storm system that iced over the Midwest has moved into the Northeast. It could drop a foot of snow in some places. Schools are closed and flights are cancelled.

Just days after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental work, Al Gore says the US is"principally responsible" for blocking progress at the UN conference on climate change. The meeting is a precursor to talks in the US on reducing emissions that cause global warming.

Japanese scientists say this mouse doesn't experience fear. Just look at it nose to nose with a cat. They genetically modify it by removing certain nasal cells. Evidence they say that fear is a learnt response. 





