

Patent Applications Soar in North East Asia(1/2)
  The report shows worldwide filings of patent applications grew at an average annual rate of 4.7 percent in 2005, with the highest growth rates in North East Asia, particularly in South Korea and China.

  By the end of 2005, it says about 5.6 million patents were in force worldwide. Topping the patent filing league are Japan, the United States, China, the Republic of Korea and the European Patent Office. The report says these five offices account for more than three quarters of all patents filed in 2005.

  World Intellectual Property Organization Deputy Director-General, Francis Gurry, says China increased its patent filings by almost 33 percent over 2004, bumping it into third place in the rankings.

  "Resident filings in China, so filings by Chinese in China increased over the 10 years to 2005 by 834 percent. That is a massive increase. And, in the Republic of Korea, they increased by 100 percent, 106 percent."

  Gurry says the increase in patent filings reflects the country's commitment to becoming a hub of innovation. Another interesting finding, he says, is that the rise in resident filings is mirrored by non-resident applications.


  annual n. 年刊,年報 a. 一年一次的,年年的,一年生的
  league n. C同盟,聯盟;聯郃會,社團;種類,範疇 v. 結盟,聯郃
  patent n. 專利權,執照,專利品 a. 專利的,顯著的,新奇的 vt. 取得…的專利權
  filing n. 整理告集;作成档案;銼磨
  intellectual n. 有知識者,知識分子,憑理智做事者 a. 智力的,知性的,聰明的
  bump n. 撞擊,腫塊 vt. 碰撞 vi. 撞,顛簸而行
  rank n. 等級,排,橫列,隊伍,堦級 a. 繁茂的,惡臭的,討厭的,下流的 vt. 排列,歸類於
  hub n. 轂,木片,中心; 中繼站
  innovation n. 改革,創新





