Real English:Spam,第1張

Real English:Spam,第2張

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.

Zoë: 你好, 歡迎收聽地道英語, 我是劉佳.

Helen: Today we are going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Zoë: 地道英語和大家一起學習原汁原味的英式英語, 尤其是那些最新出現的流行詞滙和習慣表達. 那Helen,今天我們要學的詞是?

Helen: Today's new word is spam. S.P.A.M. – spam.

Zoë: What is spam, Helen?

Helen: Spam is advertising material that you receive by e-mail, even though you didn’t ask for it.

Zoë: 哦, 原來spam就是我們在email裡經常收到的那些不知道從哪兒來的廣告資料

Helen: Yes. Do you know the type of thing I mean? You check your post, and 90% of it is things like adverts for mobile phones, new credit cards and the like.

Zoë: Yes, Helen.

Helen: Yes, so you can say I get a lot of spam in my e-mail.

Zoë: Ok or my e-mail is full of spam.

Helen: That's right.


A: Oh look! We've got 100 new messages in our e-mail inbox!

B: Yes, but it's probably all spam. Don't get excited.

Zoë: Do you get a lot of spam, Helen?

Helen: Sometimes I get hundreds of messages in one day. I spend half my time on the Internet just deleting spam.

Zoë: I know.

Helen: Anyway, let’s recap – spam

Zoë: 就是那些我們經常在郵箱裡收到的 不知道從哪兒來的廣告. Well, it looks like that's all we have time for.

Helen: Yes, I’m afraid it is. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Zoë: See you next time.


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