Real English:Soccer Mom,第1張

Real English:Soccer Mom,第2張

Vicki: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Vicki.

Lilly: 大家好,我是楊莉莉.

Vicki: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Lilly: 在 Real English,也就是《地道英語》節目中,我們會帶大家一起來學習和熟悉一些近代英式英語裡新出現的詞滙和新說法。

Vicki: It’s very important to stay up-to-date with English as new words and expressions enter the language all the time.

Lilly: I agree, Vicky, 那今天這個地道的新詞兒又是什麽呢?

Vicki: Today’s expression is ‘soccer mom’.

Lilly: Soccer mom. 我知道 soccer 是美語中足球的意思,mom 是媽媽的意思。那足球,媽媽這兩個詞放在一起,一定有個什麽說法吧?

Vicki: Well, in Britain we use ‘mum’ to mean mother, but in America, they pronounce it ‘mom’. A soccer mom is an American mother who lives in the suburbs. She spends a lot of her time taking her children to their sports activities.

Lilly: 原來 a soccer mom 就是指那些家住市郊,每天開車接送孩子們蓡加各種躰育活動的媽媽。看來儅個稱職的媽媽真不易啊!

Vicki: So you could say ‘She’s a real soccer mom. She takes her 3 kids swimming on Mondays, gym on Wednesdays and football on Fridays.’


A: How is your sister getting on in Chicago?

B: Fine. She’s become a proper soccer mom. She drives a big jeep and spends most days taking the kids to sports practice.

Lilly: Are there soccer moms in the UK?

Vicki: I suppose so, but it’s more an American thing.

Lilly: Really?

Vicki: Yes. Well, in the UK, we call soccer, football anyway!

Lilly: That’s right, 說到足球, 英國人一般都使用football這個詞.

Vicki: But there are some mothers who become soccer moms, I guess.

Lilly: 好了,今天我們學的短語就是 soccer mom, 專指那些開車接送孩子們蓡加躰育活動的媽媽們。And that’s it for today.

Vicki: Yes, that’s all we have time for. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Lilly: See you next time.再見!


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