Real English:Internship,第1張

Real English:Internship,第2張

The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Real English Presenter: Sun Chen

Jo: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jo.

Sun Chen: 嗨,我是董征。

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 地道英語和大家一起學習現代英式英語中最新出現的流行詞滙和新鮮表達。那Jo,今天給我們帶來的新詞是什麽呢?

Jo: Today’s word is internship I.N.T.E.R.N.S.H.I.P.

Sun Chen: 和學習有關?

Jo: Yes, it can be an important part of student life.

Sun Chen: 還是很重要的一個單詞。那你還是解釋一下吧。

Jo: An internship is an arrangement where a student works in a company for a limited period of time, usually to gain work experience.

Sun Chen: 這麽說 internship 就是短期的實習;學生通常可以拿到相應的工作經騐 work experience.

Jo: There aren’t many internships available, so it’s highly competitive。

Sun Chen: Highly competitive. 競爭很激烈,看來同學們很早就要麪對現實問題了。


A: What are your plans for the summer holiday?

B: I don’t know yet. I’m hoping to get an internship with an investment bank.

A: Oh, dear, it’s going to be tough. I wish you luck.

B: I’ll need it. There are only 10 places, and I think they’ve already received 500 applications.

Sun Chen: 聽到了嗎,500 申請人裡才挑10個暑期工。比申請正式工作還難。

Jo: It is really tough to get an internship. You have to work really hard just to get an interview.

Sun Chen: Well, good luck to the internship applicants then.

Jo: I’m afraid that we are out of time. Anyway, to recap an internship is ….

Sun Chen: 就是短期工作實習。

Jo: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us next time.

Sun Chen: 我們下次節目再會。


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