Real English:Nackered,第1張

Real English:Nackered,第2張

The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Producer/Presenter: Helen Hu

Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen

Zoë: Hello, 我是劉佳。歡迎收聽我們今天的地道英語。

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Zoë: 英語和中文一樣,有很多的俗語。所以要想更好的掌握這門語言,就要對英語裡的日常用語和習慣表達了如指掌。

Helen: That’s right, Zoë. And today’s word is very informal and very typically British too.

Zoë: So what’s the word, Helen?

Helen: Today’s word is knackered. K.N.A.C.K.E.R.E.D. Knackered.

Zoë: Knackered. 是什麽意思呢?

Helen: It’s a very informal way to say you are very tired.

Zoë: 我明白了,knackered就是 太累了,太疲憊了的意思。不過這是個非常隨便的說法。

Helen: That’s right.


A: You look really tired.

B: I am. I’m knackered. I could go to sleep right now.

Helen: Knackered is a useful word because it also has another meaning.

Zoë: 哦?還有第二個意思,是什麽呢?HELEN?

Helen: Well, you can also use the word knackered to describe something as broken.

Zoë: OK, Knackered 還可以表示壞了的意思.

Helen: Yes, that’s right. If a machine is broken and can’t be fixed, we can say it is knackered.


A: Is this computer broken?

B: Yeah, it’s knackered. We should just throw it away and get a new one.

Zoë: 好了,現在讓我們來複習一下今天學的吧?

Helen: Good idea. Today’s word was knackered, which can mean tired for a person or broken for a machine.

Zoë: Knackered有兩個意思,一個是表示特別累,疲憊的意思;另一個意思說的是壞了。

Helen: Well, Zoë. It looks like we’re out of time.

Zoë: 我們下次節目再見.

Helen: Goodbye.


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