


The term Web server is sometimes also used to refer to the physical computer that runs Web server software. Leading manufacturers of Web server computers are IBM, Compaq, Dell, and Hewlett Packard. Although any personal computer can run Web server software, it is best to use a computer that has been optimized for this purpose. To be a Web server, a computer must have the Web server software described above installed and be connected to the Internet. Every Web server machine has an IP address.

  術語網絡服務器有時也被用於指運行網絡服務器軟件的實際計算機。網絡服務器計算機的制造商是IBM(國際商用機器公司)、Compaq(康柏)、Dell(戴爾)和Hewlett Packard(惠普)。雖然任何個人計算機都能運行網絡服務器軟件,但是使用一部爲這個目的化的計算機。作爲一個網絡服務器,一部計算機必須安裝上述網絡服務器軟件且聯接到因特網。每部網絡服務器計算機有一個IP地址。

  Aside from the generic Web server software packages, there are actually many types of specialized servers on the Web, from database servers that access specific information with a database, to ad servers that deliver targeted banner ads, to mail servers that provide mail messages, and video servers that provide video clips. At a small e-commerce site, all of these software packages might be running on a single machine, with a single processor. At a large corporate site, there may be hundreds of discrete machines, many with multiple processors, running specialized Web server functions described above.

  除了一般的網絡服務器軟件包之外,網絡上其實還有許多類專用服務器, 從訪問數據庫特定信息的數據庫服務器, 到遞特定標題廣告的廣告服務器,到提供郵寄信息的郵件服務器,以及提供眡頻剪輯的眡頻服務器。在一個小型電子商務網站,所有的這些軟件包可能在一部具有一個処理器的機器上運行。在一個大公司的網站,可能有數百台分佈的機器, 多數具有多個処理器,運行上述特定的網絡服務器功能。

A Web client, on the other hand, is any computing device attached to the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages. The most common client is a Windows PC or Macintosh, with various flavors of UNIX machines a distant third.






