The E.U. Iran Policy(2),第1張

The E.U. Iran Policy(2),第2張


  Nonetheless, the E.U. troika persevered, despite U.S. scepticism at their approach. The failure of the Iraq invasion to bring stability to the region is a powerful reason to avoid another war. If the U.S. carried out air strikes on Iran, or worse still, if they sub-contracted this task to Israel, it would definitely increase anti-western sentiment in the Middle East and possibly destabilize the entire region.


  In November their efforts were rewarded with some results by managing to persuade Iran to stop processing uranium. Europe has realised that if it is to have any significant role in international affairs it has to act with a common strategy. Regardless if this policy of engaging Iran is successful in the long run or not, it is important to try and significant that Britain is cooperating with Continental Europe to do so.


  As early as the Iraq invasion there were those in the U.S. administration who were also ③gunning for Iran. By 2004, the evidence that Iran was developing weapons of mass destruction is much more solid than that used to justify regime change in Iraq. There have been further accusations that Iran shelters Al-Qaida terrorists. How does the U.S. view Europe's involvement? Mostly, American leaders have been dismissive of Europe's effort claiming that the agreement only gives Iran breathing space and that they can still start producing nuclear weapons at anytime in the future. How the U.S. will really react remains to be seen. Bush will more than likely wait until this month, when his second-term officially starts, to make a move.


  But these events are more important than the issue of Iran and nuclear weapons. Could it be that the E.U. has learned from the divisions caused by the invasion of Iraq? Although the initiative to engage Iran in a dialogue is that of Germany, France and Britain, the entire E.U. has expressed its support and there are further plans for a long-term aid package to Iran. 2005 should reveal if their efforts will pay off or not. The outcome is a crucial test as to whether 25 countries can act in coordination in the international arena and offer a multilateral alternative to U.S. unilateralism.



  1 “bomb”的原意思是“炸彈”,但是儅前麪加上一個“the”之後,就特指“原子彈”了。

  2 伊朗問題的由來




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