


第1部分:詞滙選項 (第1~15題,每題1分,共15分)


  1 The price of vegetables f1uctuates according to the weather.

  A jumps B rises

  C falls D changes

  2 Did you do that to irritate her?

  A tease B attract

  C annoy D protect

  3 Mary looked pale and weary.

  A ill B tired

  C worried D peaceful

  4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(汙水).

  A polluted B downgraded

  C mixed D blackened

  5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive.

  A very boring B very thorough

  C very interesting D very touching

  6 Alice is a fascinating girl.

  A a beautiful B a pretty

  C an attractive D a pleasant

  7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents.

  A displayed B shown

  C proved D assessed

  8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple.

  A offered B rented

  C provided D sold

  9 She stood there,crying and trembling with fear.

  A shaking B staggering

  C struggling D murmuring

  10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so.

  A ran B rolled

  C walked D raced

  11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises.

  A argued B derived

  C permitted D come

  12 I can no longer tolerate his actions.

  A putupwith B accept

  C take D suffer from

  13 Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.

  A ask B persuade

  C assign D order

  14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage.

  A extensive B negative

  C responsive D explosive

  15 I expect that she will be able to cater for your particular needs.

  A supply B reach

  C provide D meet

  第2部分:閲讀判斷 (第16~22題,每題1分,共7分)

  閲讀下麪這篇短文,短文後列出7個句子,請根據短文的內容對每個句子做出判斷。如果該句提供的是正確信息, 請在答題卡上把A塗黑;如果該旬提供的是錯誤信息,請在答題卡上把B塗黑;如果該句的信息文章中沒有提及,請在答題卡上把C塗黑。

  Eruptions of Mount Saint Helens

  On March 27,the US Govemment scientists made a decision after they predicted the emption of Mount Saint Helens.They telephoned all state and local officials in the area and told them that a serious eruption was possible at any time,Roads were closed to every one except scientists and forest keepers struggled to keep curious visitors away from the mountain.

  Shortly after noon on March 27,Mount Saint Helens erupted for the first time in 1 23 years.People living north of the mountain heard a loud boom that shook their windows,and airline pilots flying near the volcano soon afterwards described a thick black colunm of ash and steam shooting more than 2,100 meters into the sky.

  Later,scientists found that the explosion had made a new crater(大坑)in the top of the mountain.not far from the old crater.The north side of the peak now had a huge bulge(凸出部分) where rock and ice had been pushed out by the eruption.

  A second eruption shook the mountain on March 28.It,too,sent up a column of black ash high into the sky.By March 29,scientists flying over the mountain saw that a second crater

  formed about 9 meters from the first one.Strange blue flames flickered(閃爍)inside the crater and sometimes jumped from one crater to the other.

  By April the mountain had erupted several more times and the snow on the north slope of the peak was black with ash.Ash carried by the wind had fallen on towns as far as 240 kilometers

  away from Mount Saint Helens.

  During the first week of April,Mount Saint Helens gave scientists something new to worry about:harmonic tremors(震動)recorded by scientists showed a big eruption would happen.All during April and into May Mount Saint Helens continued to shudder(震動)and shoot out ash.By.April8, two craters had merged to from a vast hole nearly a half of a kilometer wide and 250 meters deep.

  Scientists'main worry during this time was the growing bulge of rock and ice on.the north face of the mountain.By May 7 scientists feared the worst.Their warnings led Washington Governor to set up safety zones around the mounmin.The inner"red"zone was open to scientists only.The outer"blue"zone was open only to people who got special permits.But in spite of

  these warnings,some people got past the road barriers and risked their lives trying to get close to the volcano.

  16 American scientists predicted that Mount Saint Helens was to erupt soon.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  17 Pilots flying at the height of more than 2,100 meters saw a thick black column of ash and steam shooting up into the air from the crater.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  18 A new crater,which was to the south of the old one,was formed after the Second eruption.

  A Right. B Wrong C Not mentioned

  19 The quakes recorded during the first week of April in the area of Mount Saint Helens warned scientists of a new eruption.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  20 Two scientists lost their lives during the second eruption of Mount Saint Helens.

  A.Right B Wrong C Not mentioned.

  2 1 Most of the dreadful eruptions of Mount Saint Helens took place in early May.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  22 The eruption of Mount Saint Helens attracted a large number of foreign tourists.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  第3部分:概括大意與完成句子 (第23~30題,每題1分,共8分)


  Electromagnetic Energy

  1.White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunbam even though you feel coo1.Visible light and the kinds of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.

  2.The sun is 93 million miles from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space.

  3.Many Other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic wavesl Infrared(紅外線的)radiation is an electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter.heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light have more energy than waves of radio,television,or radar.Ultraviolet rays(紫外線)and X-rays are electromagnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating buildings.Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living.Ultraviolet radiation is useful in killilag certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel right through solid obieets.They can be used to detect and treat cancer.X-rays are used in industry to find hidden cracks in metal.and in medicine to reveal broken bones.

  4. Usually we use electricity to.generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evadorate.When the water falls to the earth as rain.some of it is trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.

  5.Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If the sun depended on chemical reactions.it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the theory was proposed,nuclear energy was hamessed(利用)by man.Chemical energy comes from electron(電子)rearrangement.Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom.Compared with chemical reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium (氦).

  6. Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of power to generate electricity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better methods of obtaining and using energy.

  23 Paragraph 3

  24 Paragraph 4

  25 Paragraph 5

  26 Paragraph 6

  A Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun's Energy

  B The Most lmportant Source of Energy

  C Types of Electromagnetic Energy

  D The Machines Used for Energy Generation

  E Seeking New Sources of Energy

  F The Use of Ultraviolet Radiation in Medicine

  27 One can get a sunburn even .

  28 Infrared radiation can produce heat .

  29 X-rays and gamma rays can be used to detect and

  treat cancer .

  30 Chemical energy is generated .

  A when it is absorbed by matter

  B when it is cloudy

  C because they can pass through solid objects

  D when the sunrays are fierce

  E when a change in the nucleus of an atom takes place

  F when electron rearrangement takes place



  第一篇 Valuing Childhood

  The value of childhood is easily blurred(變得模糊不清)in today's world.Consider some recent developments:The child.murderers in the Jonesboro,Ark.schoolyard shooting case were convicted and sentenced.Two boys,7 and 8,were charged in the murder of an 11-year-old girl in Chicago.

  Children who commit horrible crimes appear to act of their own will.Yet,as legal proceedings in Jonesboro showed,the one boy who was able to address the court couldn't begin to explain his acts.though he tried to apologize.There may have been a motive-youthful jealousy(妒忌)and resentment.But a deeper question remains:Why did these boys and others in similar trouble apparently lack any inner,moral restraint?

  That question echoes for the accused in Chicago.young as they are.They wanted the girl's bicycle,a selfish impulse common enough among kids.

  Redemption(拯救)is a practical necessity.How can value be restored to young lives distorted by acts of violence?The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time.Despite horror at what was done,children are not-cannot be-dealt with as adults.not if a people wants to consider jtself civilized.That's why politicians'cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.

  But the moral void(真空)that invites violence has many sources.Family instability contributes:So does economic stress.That void.however,can be filled.The work starts wifh

  parents,who have to ask themselves whether they're doing enough to give their children a firm sense of right and wrong.Are they really monitoring their activities and their developing processes of thought?

  Schools.too,have a role in building character.So do youth organizations.So do law enfomement agencies,which can do more to inform the young about laws,their meaning,and

  their observance(遵守).

  The goal.ultimately,is to allow all children a normal passage from childhood to adulthood (成年),so that tragic gaps in moral judgement are less likely to occur. The relative few who fill such gaps with acts of violence hint at many others who don't go that far,but who 1ack the moral foundations childhood should provide-and which progressive human society relies on.

  3l The two boys in Chicago were

  A shot.

  B murdered.

  C accused.

  D sentenced.

  32 The boys in Jonesboro and Chicago apparently lacked a sense of

  A right and wrong.

  B discipline.

  C shame.

  D safety.

  33 According to politicians,when children commit crimes,they should be treated in the same way as

  A murderers.

  B criminals.

  C victims.

  D adults.

  34 Which of the following does the writer cite as a source of moral void?

  A Official corruption.

  B Social injustice.

  C Family instability.

  D Racial discrimination.

  35 Which of the statements is NOT true according to this passage?

  A Parents should strengthen moral instruction.

  B Schools should help create a moral sense in children.

  C Law enforcement agencies should do more to help children understand laws?

  D Youth organizations play no role in building character.

  第二篇 Hacking

  People tend to think of computers as isolated machines,working away all by themselves.Some do-personal computer without an outside link,like Someone's hideaway(隱蔽的)cabin in the woods.But just as most homes are tied to a community by streets,bus routes and electric lines.computers that exchange intelligence are part of a community-local,national and even global network joined by telephone connections.

  The computer network is a creation of the electric age,but it is based on old-fashioned trust. It cannot work without trust.A rogue loose(爲所欲爲的無賴)in a computer system called hacker (黑客) is worse than a thief entering your house.He could go through anyone's electronic mail or add to,change,distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computer's memory.He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software that runs it.He could shut the computer down whenever he wished,and no one could stop him.Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his ever having been there.

  Hacking,our electronic-age term for computer break-in,is more and more in the news-brainy kids vandalizing university records,even pranking(衚閙)about in supposedlyline14

  safeguarded systems.To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century,these are not laughing matters.A potential for disaster is

  building:A dissatisfied former insurance-company employee wipes out information trom payroll (工資表) files.A student sends out a"virus",a secret and destructive command,over a national network.The virus copies itself at lightning speed,jamming the entire network-thousands of academic,commercial and govemment computer systems.Such disastrous cases have already occurred.Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer.Spoiling a system responsible for air.traffic control at a busy airport,or knocking out the telephones of a major city,is a relatively easy way to spread panic.Yet neither business nor government has done enough to toughen its defenses against attack.For one thing,such defenses are expensive;for another,they may interrupt communication -the main reason for using computers in the first place.

  36 The writer mentions''a thief'in the second paragraph

  A to show that a hacker is more dangerous than a thief.

  B to tell people that thieves like to steal computers nowadays.

  C to demand that a protective computer system should be set up against thieves.

  D to demonstrate that hackers and thieves are the same people.

  37 The word"vandalizing"in Line 14 means





  38 According to the passage.which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A Hacking is also known as computer break-in.

  B Experts on computer networks consider hacking nothing serious.

  C Hacking is a widespread concern.

  D Hacking is potentially disastrous.

  39 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an instance of attack by a hacker?

  A Deleting information in the computer's memory.

  B Shutting down the computer whenever he wishes.

  C Entering your house to steal.

  D Spoiling a system for air traffic.

  40 One of the reasons why business or government has not taken tough measures to stop hacking is that

  A it will cause fear among tile public.

  B hacking has not caused much damage.

  C tough measures are illegal.

  D communication may be interrupted.

  第三篇 Space-Age Archeology

  It's a strange partnership,but a very effective one:Satellites and space-shuttle-carried radar are helping archeologists .How?By"seeing"through sand or through treetops to locate important archeological sites.

  The traditional tools of archeologists are shovels and picks.But high technology is making the archeologist's work and time far more productive.

  Take,for example,the second 1981 flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger.During that mission,a powerful,experimental radar was pointed at a lifeless stretch of desert in Egypt called the Selima Sand Sheet(pan of the Sahara Desert).To everyone's surprise,the radar penetrated through the sand to the harder rock beneath.On the surface.there is a 1ittle indication that Africa's Sahara Desert was never anything but a desert.When the archeologists studied the radar images,they saw what seemed to be impossible:there was sand.buried landscape that was shaped by flowing water;traces of ancient riverbeds appeared to be over nine miles wide,far wider than most secti6ns of the present.day Nile River.Today,the area is one of the hottest.Driest desert in the world.

  Archeologists dug pits along the old river banks and found clues to the past:stream.Rounded pebbles(鵞卵石),Stone-Age axes,broken ostrich(鴕鳥)eggshells,and the shells of land snails.The archeologists were quite pleased with these findings.For years,they'd been finding stone axes scattered through the desert,and couldn't understand why.Now we know that early humans were living on the banks of old rivers,and left their beautiful tools behind.Some are so sharp that you could shave with them.

  More recently,Lmadsat 4,a special Earth-mapping satellite,aided in the discovery of ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico.Landsat can.with the help of false-color imagery,"see through"much of the area.Armed with these maps,a five-person expedition took to the air in a helicopter.

  By the end of the second day,the team found a stretch of walled fields that expedition inembers said look like"old New England fences".They just go on,non'stop,for 40 miles.Later

  in the week,an ancient village was pinpointed,as was the"lost"city of Oxpemul,once found in the early 1930's but quickly reclaimed by the jungle.The findings made them able to map the extent of the Mayan civilization in about five days.Working on foot,it would have taken at least 100 years.

  4l With the help of the space-shuttle-carried radar,archeologists found

  A a new stretch of the Sahara desert.

  B traces of ancient riverbeds under the Sahara Desert.

  C some traditional archeological tools in the Sahara Desert.

  D a mountain beneath the Sahara Desert.

  42 Which of the following is true of the sand-buried landscape?

  A It was all old avenue.

  B It was an underground river.

  C It was shaped by flowing water.

  D It was shaped by the old Nile River.

  43 The stream-rounded pebbles and Stone-Age axes which were found along the ancient river banks show that

  A an early human civilization once existed along the old river banks.

  B ancient people didn't know how to make weapons.

  C most species ofimimals in Sahara have disappeared.

  D early humans were good at fighting with sharp weapons.

  44"They"in the second line of the last paragraph refers to

  A old New England fences.

  B.the stretch of walled fields.

  C the expedition members.

  D ancient villages.

  45 Which of the follgwing best summarizes the main information of the passage?

  A High-tech helps locate many fascinating archeological sites.

  B Without high-tech,the archeologist's work would come to a stop.

  C High-tech has taken the place of shovels and picks.

  D High-tech makes the archeologist's work more fruitful.

  第5部分:補全短文 (第46~50題,每趣2分,共10分)


  Stars in Their Eyes

  The Scientific American Book of the Cosmos edited by David Levy,Macmillan,£20,ISBN 0333782933

  Previous generations of scientists would have killed to know what we know.For the first time in history,we have a pretty good idea.of the material content of the Universe,our position within it and how the whole thing came into being.

  In these times of exploding knowledge there is a definite need to take stock and assemble what we know in a palatable(受歡迎的)form (46)

  The essays in The Scientific American Book of the Cosmos have been selected by David Levy,co-discoverer of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9,which in 1994 struck Jupiter with the violence of several full-scale nuclear wars (47)This is certainly a great collection of essays, but it is not,as the book promises,a seamless(完美的,無縫隙的)synthesis of our current knowledge.

  Nobody can fault the range of articles Levy has included.There are essays on the planets,moons and assorted debris(碎片)in the Solar System,and on our Galaxy,the Milky Way. (48)

  The contributors,too,are stars in their own fields.Not many books can boast chapters written by such giants as Erwin Schrodinger and Francis Crick.My personal favourites are a piercingly clear essay by Albert Einstein on general relativity and an article by Alan Guth and Paul Steinhardt on the inflationary(膨脹的)Universe.

  So much for the book's content.But Levy has not succeeded in providing an accurate synthesis of our current knowledge of the cosmos,which the book iacket promises.Gathering together previously published articles inevitably leaves subject gaps,missing explanations and so

  on. (49)But there isn't one.In fact,surprisingly for a book so densely packed with information,there is no index.

  Collecting essays in this way is clearly a good publishing wheeze(巧妙的生意).But this approach shortchanges the public,who would be berer served by an account moulded into a seamless whole. (50) However,for the next edition,please,please can we have an index?

  A Tegmark fears he may hold the record for the longest time taken to read one book.

  B In a more positive vein,this is a wonderful collection of essays to dip in and out of if you akeady have a good overview(概述)of current cosmic understanding.

  C Levy is an active astronomer and an accomplished writer,so you'd expect him to provide a broad and accurate picture of our current understanding of the cosmos.

  D Scientific American has attempted to cater to this need by bringing together essays that have appeared in the magazine.

  E To some extent,these could have been plugged with a glossary(詞表)of terms.

  F Also included are contributions on the world of subatomic particles,the origin of life on Earth and the possibility of its existence elsewhere.

  第6部分:完形填空 (第51~65題,每題1分,共15分)



  Befor the widespread use of computers,managers could (51)full use of large amounts of valuable information about a company's activities. The information either (52)managers too late or was too expensive to be used.Today,managers are facing a wide (53)of data processing and information instruments.Managers can draw on computer-based information systems to control (54)in every area of their company.On any kinds of performance measures,the information provided by these systems helps managers compare standards (55)actual results,find problems,and take proper action (56)it is too late to make changes.

  The (57)of computerized(電腦化)information systems has sharply changed management control in many companies.Even a neighborhood shopkeeper may now use computers to (58) sales,billing,and other activities.

  Now.there are about 24 million microcomputers in (59)in the United States-one for every 10 citizens.It is (60)that by 1 996,6 1 percent of American managers will be using some sort of electronic work station.In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information they are receiving is (61),they need to understand how computers work.However,in most (62)they do not need to learn how to program computers.Rather,managers should understand how computerized information systems work;how they are (63);their limitations and costs;and the manner in which information systems may be used. (64)an understanding is not dittlcult to achieve.

  One research found that business firms were more successful in teaching (65)information about computers to business graduates than they were in teaching business subjects to computer science graduates.

  51 A take B have C make D get

  52 A found B changed C reached D influenced

  53 A district B range C band D aspect

  54 A actions B activities C acts D activation

  55 A with B to C for D by

  56 A until B before C while D when

  57 A donation B conversion C auction D introduction

  58 A work B reduce C control D change

  59 A use B usage C activity D construction

  60 A estimated B taught C called D recommended

  61 A innovative B necessary C accurate D strict

  62 A occasions B times C cases D examples

  63 A invented B expanded C modified D developed

  64 A That B This C Such D So

  65 A complex B basic C serious D favorable





