Action English (219),第1張

Action English (219),第2張

Cary Grant 加利.格蘭特



  American slang 美國俚語  選自Pocahontas “風中奇緣”

  That's right, I'm not about to let you boys have all the fun.

  I'm not about to means I'm not prepared for something or I'm not going to let something happen. 不準備去做某事,不會讓某事發生

  例:I'm sorry I didn't let you go to the party, but I am not about to let you throw away your career like that.(我不想讓你因此而丟掉工作)

  I was very angry with him. I wasn't about to let him treat you like that.


  Classic film clips 經典對白  選自Pocahontas “風中奇緣”

  (1)The cannons are breaking loose!

  break loose: (people/object) be free from your tie. (人或物)從你的約束中解脫出來,可以自由移動

  例:In this storm, the ship is about to break loose from her moorings and be set adrift. (在這場風暴中,船馬上就要脫離開它的停泊処而隨波逐流了。)

  We'd better get inside quickly, the herd of the buffalo(水牛) had broken loose!

  (2)Say your prayers, men!

  This phrase means to be prepared for something very bad is about to happen. 做好準備(因爲很糟糕的事將要發生)

  例:You still haven't completed your project? Say your prayers then because the boss will be back tomorrow!

  Say your prayers everyone, the avalanche(雪崩) is coming


  Movie Tunes 原聲碟

  Addams Family《亞儅一家(The Addams Family)》插曲

  Now I was cold cooling, you know (relaxed 放松)
  Just kicking it around the house
  When a knock knock knock and a voice
  “Yo, can Hammer come out?”
  Now I don't mind being a friend
  And showing a little flava (是flavor的俚語)
  But Wednesday, Pugsky, Gomez, Fester (四個人名)
  Man, them some strange neighbor (Man: 天啊,類似於Oh, my God)(them: they're)


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