Action English (231),第1張

Action English (231),第2張

Clint Eastwood 尅林特 伊斯特伍德


  American slang 美國俚語

  We came to you in good faith.(片中)
  in good faith 守信 誠心
  That company they didn't act in good faith, they cheated me.


  Classic film clips 經典對白

  (1) You don't have the look of traiter(片中)
  have the look of 有……的像
  He didn't have the look of basketball player, he's too short.

  (2)He'll vouch for me.
  Vouch 支持 爲……作擔保 (有兩種形式:一種如片中 vouch for …… ; 另一種引導that從句,例句如下)
  When I moved into my new apartment.,I got my bank to vouch that I could pay my rent.


  Movie Tunes 原聲碟

  Is she really going out with him?
  Is she really going out with him?
  Is she really gonna take him home tonight?
  'Cause if my eyes don't deceiveme


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