口語 -Excellent!,第1張

口語 -Excellent!,第2張


  Although Sally is only five years old, she has got a very good memory. Just the other day, her father asked her if she was ready for the speech she had to make at her kindergarten on Speech Day. She said,"Of course, I am." Her father asked her to say her speech without referring to the 300-word script which, he believed, was much too long for a kindergarten kid. To his surprise, Sally did it without missing any single word (not even an article) in her ten-minute practice. When she finished her rehearsal, her father gave her a big hand and said,"Excellent!"

  Learning points:

  Speech Day 畢業典禮

  script 縯說稿

  give (somebody) a big hand 對(某人)熱烈鼓掌,較爲口語化的用法,可以用applaud her 取代。


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