

1. Add up to something:

  (i) make the total of the figure.縂計

  Example: All the figures add up to 500.

  (ii) amount to something; mean something.等於

  Examples: 1. With a dinner included in the cost of the ticket, it all adds up to a really good evening entertainment. 2. His long answer added up to a refusal.

  2. Addicted to something:

  like something very much.沉迷於

  Examples: 1. As Kelvin is addicted to smoking, he finds it difficult to work without some cigarettes. 2. Ali is addicted to alcoholic drinks.

  3. Address oneself to something:

  give one's attention to something.注意到

  Example: Whenever I do something, I address myself to it with zest.

  4. Beaten road is the safest, the:

  the path that is well used is safe for all to go past.多人走過的路最安全

  Example: Don't take unnecessary risks. Follow what the majority has done. The beaten road is the safest.

  5. Beauty is but skin deep:

  beauty is superficial.膚淺

  Example: Don't judge people by outward looks alone. Beauty is but skin deep. It may be deceptive.

  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:

  beauty is only a matter of opinion.美的觀唸人人不同

  Example: There is no objective way of saying whether a person is beautiful or not.

  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  7. Carry out something:

  accomplish or finish something successfully.完成某事

  Example: With a strong will, you are sure to carry out your plan soon.

  8. Carry someone/something through:

  help something to continue; bring someone safely out of difficulty.幫助完成某事、幫助某人渡過難關

  Examples: 1. Your support will carry me through. 2. They don't have enough money to carry through the big project.

  9. Carry something too far:

  do something to too great a degree.做得過分

  Example: Don't make fun of the pitiable man; you have carried the joke too far.

  10. Delegate someone to do something:

  appoint someone as a representative for something.委托某人做某事

  Example: The manager delegated his secretary to collect the money from the debtors.

  11. Delete something from some place:

  strike something out.刪除

  Example: Please delete his name from the list of participants.

  12. Deliberate on/upon something:

  think very carefully and seriously about something.仔細考慮

  Example: The committee deliberated on a number of new problems.

  13. Eat someone out of house and home:

  eat more than one's host can provide.把某人喫窮

  Example: Those greedy kids have eaten Mr Lin out of house and home.

  14. Eavesdrop on someone:

  overhear the conversation of someone. 竊聽

  Example: Some office staff have been eavesdropping on their manager.

  15. Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves:

  it is not advisable to be too curious or inquisitive.媮聽話的人聽不到自己的好話

  Example: Don't be too interested in listening to people's conversations, as what you hear about yourselves will be uncomplimentary. Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.





