


I should go slowly here. It’s a built-up area. 這裡我應該慢點兒走。這個地區建築物多。
  2. 表示推測和可能性,是“應該”之意。 表示對現在和將來的推測。
  You ought not to/shouldn’t be sleeping now. It’s already eight o’clock. 你不該還在睡覺,都已經八點了。
  This pen ought to /should be yours. 這支筆應該是你的。
  If the train is up to time, John should/ought to be here any minute now. 如果火車晚點的話,JOHN現在馬上就應該到了。
  3、“should/ought to have 過去分詞”表示對過去的推測,意 思 是“應該已經”。有時表示“應該做而沒有做”,是“本應該”的意思;“should not/ought not to have 過去分詞”表示“做了不應該做的事情”,是“本不該”的意思,因而它們都含有責備的語氣:
  He began two hours ago. He ought to have finished filling in the forms now. 兩個鍾頭前他就開始了,現在應該填完那些表格了。
  One should have been asleep and the other on watch. 本應該一個睡覺,另一個站崗。.
  You should not have asked him for help. 你本不應該曏他求助。
  4、表示講話人驚奇,失望,憤怒等感情:   What’s happened to that money? How should I know? 那些錢怎麽了?-我怎麽知道?
  It’s strange that he should have lost his temper for such trivial things as that. 真奇怪,他竟然爲這麽小的事情發脾氣。
  Why should I believe you? 我爲什麽要相信你?
  第三部分“情態動詞 have done”的含義
  1、Must have done的含義。“must have 過去分詞”表示對過去的推測,意思是“一定已經,想必已經,準是已經….”,衹用於肯定句中。例如:
  The streets are wet. It must have rained. 街道是溼的,準是下雨了。
  He must have been drinking beer. 他肯定一直喝啤酒來著。
  若要表示否定,要用“can’t/couldn’t have 過去分詞”,意 思 是“不可能”:
  The money can’t have been lost there. 錢不可能是在那兒丟的。
  2、 May/might have done 的含義。“may/might have 過去分詞”表示對過去的推測,意思是“也許已經┅,可能已經…”。用於肯定或否定句中。疑問句中用can或could. “might(不是may)have 過去分詞”也表示“本來可以…”的意思,含有責備的口氣,用來批評人。例如:
  He may have gone to bed. 他可能已經上牀睡覺了。
  She might not have settled the problem. 她可能尚未解決那個問題。
  You might have told me earlier. 你本可以早點告訴我的。(埋怨責備)
  Don’t do that again. You might have been fired. 別那麽乾了,會把你解雇的。(責備,警告)
  You might have succeeded if you had tried. 假如你嘗試過,或許已經成功了。(虛擬語氣,不滿)
  3、needn’t have done的含義。“needn’t  have 過去分詞”表示“作了不必做或不需要做的事”。 可譯成“大可不必”,“本來不需要”。例如:
  I needn’t have borrowed the money yesterday. 昨天我根本不需要借錢的。(實際上已經借了)
  You needn’t have come so early. 你不必那麽早來嘛。
  4、can/could have done:用來談過去的情況
  Who could have taken them? 誰會把它們拿走了呢?
  Where can he have gone? 他可能到哪兒去了呢?
  He can’t have taken it home. 他不可能是帶廻家去了。
  She couldn’t have left so soon. 她不可能這麽快就走了。





