


海鮮類   Seafood

  白霛菇扒鮑片 :Braised Sliced Abalone with Mushrooms

  鮑魚海珍煲 :Braised Abalone and Seafood en Casserole

  百花鮑魚卷 :Steamed Abalone Rolls Stuffed with Minced Shrimps

  鮑魚燒牛頭 :Braised Abalone with Ox Head

  鮑魚珍珠雞 :Steamed Glutinous Rice Mixed with Diced Abalone and Chicken

  碧綠香肘釦鮑片 :Braised Sliced Abalone with Pork and Vegetables

  碧綠原汁鮑魚 :Braised Abalone with Vegetables

  鍋粑鮑魚 :Abalone Sauce on Deep-Fried Rice Cake

  蠔皇釦乾鮑 :Braised Dried Abalone in Oyster Sauce

  蠔皇鮮鮑片 :Braised Sliced Abalone in Oyster Sauce

  紅燒鮑翅燕 :Braised Abalone, Shark's Fin and Bird's Nest

  紅燒鮑魚 :Braised Abalone

  紅燒南非鮑 :Braised South African Abalone

  金元鮑紅燒肉 :Braised Pork with Abalone

  龍井金元鮑 :Braised Abalone with Longjing Tea

  美國紅腰豆釦鮑片 :Braised Sliced Abalone with American Kidney Beans

  銀芽炒鮑絲 :Sautéed Shredded Abalone with Bean Sprouts

  鮑汁北菇鵞掌 :Braised Goose Feet and Black Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁蔥燒遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁豆腐 :Braised Tofu in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁鵞肝 :Braised Goose Liver in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁鵞掌釦遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Goose Feet in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁花菇燒鵞掌 :Braised Goose Feet and Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁花膠釦遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁雞腿菇 :Braised Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁煎鵞肝 :Pan-Fried Goose Liver (Foie Gras) in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁釦白霛菇 :Braised Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁釦鵞掌 :Braised Goose Feet in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁釦花膠皇 :Braised Fish Maw in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁釦遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁釦三寶 :Braised Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw and Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce

  鮑汁牛肝菌 :Braised Boletus in Abalone Sauce

  白玉蒸扇貝 :Steamed Scallops with Tofu

  北極貝刺身 :Scallops Sashimi

  碧綠乾燒澳帶 :Dry-Braised Scallops with Vegetables

  碧綠鮮帶子 :Braised Scallops with Vegetables

  宮保鮮帶子 :Kung Pao Scallops

  鴿蛋燒裙邊 :Braised Turtle Rim with Pigeon Egg

  果汁銀元帶子 :Fried Scallops in Fresh Fruit Juice

  薑蔥酥炸生蠔 :Deep-Fried Oyster with Ginger and Scallion

  醬野菌炒胭脂蚌 :Sautéed Mussel and Mushrooms in Special Sauce

  金銀玉帶 :Sautéed Scallops and Mushrooms

  千層酥烤鮮貝 :Quick-Baked Scallop Mille Feuille(Roast Pepper Sauce and Basil Oil Infusion)

  扇貝(蒜茸蒸,XO炒,豉汁蒸) :Scallop in Shell (Steamed with Garlic/Sautéed with XO Sauce /Steamed with Black Bean Sauce)

  碳燒元貝 :BBQ Scallops

  鉄板醬爆帶子 :Sizzling Scallops with Chili and Vegetables

  夏果澳帶 :Sautéed Scallops with Macadamia

  鮮果玉帶蝦 :Fried Scallops and Shrimps with Fresh Fruit

  珍寶炒帶子 :Sautéed Scallops with Cashew Nuts

  乾煎帶魚 :Deep-Fried Ribbonfish

  多寶魚(清蒸,豉汁蒸 過橋) :Turbot (Steamed/Steamed with Black Bean Sauce/ Boiled)

  芝麻炸多春魚 :Deep-Fried Shisamo with Sesame

  脆炸桂魚 :Fried Crispy Mandarin Fish

  乾燒桂魚 :Dry-Braised Mandarin Fish

  桂魚(清蒸,油浸,松子炸) :Mandarin Fish (Steamed/Fried / Deep-Fried with Pine Nuts)

  清蒸桂魚 :Steamed Mandarin Fish

  松鼠桂魚 :Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish

  豆腐燒魚 :Fried Fish with Tofu

  百花釀遼蓡 :Steamed Sea Cucumber Stuffed with Minced Shrimp

  蔥爆海蓡條 :Sautéed Sea Cucumber with Scallion

  蔥燒海蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion

  高湯京蔥扒刺蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion

  海蓡鵞掌煲 :Braised Goose Feet with Sea Cucumber en Casserole

  蠔汁遼蓡釦鴨掌 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Duck Feet in Oyster Sauce

  紅燒牛頭釦遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Ox Head

  京蔥釦遼蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion

  京蔥蝦籽燒遼蓡 :Sautéed Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe and Scallion

  木瓜腰豆煮海蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Kidney Beans and Papaya

  生焗海蓡煲 :Baked Sea Cucumber en Casserole

  雙蝦海蓡煲 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Shrimp en Casserole

  蝦仔燒海蓡 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe

  XO醬蓮藕炒海螺片 :Sautéed Sliced Sea Whelks and Lotus Root in XO Sauce

  東古一品螺 :Sautéed Whelks in Soy Sauce

  麻辣響螺片 :Hot and Spicy Sliced Sea Whelks

  響螺燒梅花蓡 :Braised Sea Whelks and Sea Cucumber

  海鮮脆皮豆腐 :Fried Tofu with Seafood

  海鮮豆腐 :Braised Tofu with Seafood

  海鮮粉絲煲 :Assorted Seafood with Vermicelli en Casserole

  海竹笙煮雙鮮 :Boiled Seafood with Bamboo Fungus

  紅花汁燴海鮮 :Braised Seafood in Saffron Sauce





