WTO s political impact on China

WTO s political impact on China,第1張

WTO s political impact on China,第2張

To China, the <<strong class="superseo">strong class="superseo">WTO admission is significant in two ways - opening up to as well as linking up with the global system. To deepen and widen the policy of opening up is to be expected, the most crucial impact lies in the changes that the Chinese system will undergo as a result of the WTO membership.

  I think there will be unprecedented and far-reaching effects on China's political landscape in five areas.

  Firstly, as China's media industry opens up and with greater cultural interactions with the West, Chinese will become more familiar with Western ideas and values. Western emphasis on competition and freedom will be extolled, particularly by Chinese intellectuals, entrepreneurs and young students, who are at the forefront of change.

  Secondly, ideas upheld by the WTO, such as the free market economy and minimisation of government interference, will help boost China's progress towards a “limited government”。

  They will also deal the remnants of the planned economy and the government system propping it up a final blow.

  As Chinese become used to a “limited government” in the economic sphere, the demand will soon extend to the political arena where a “limited government” is equally desirable.

  Thirdly, the WTO also requires “transparency” in areas like government administration and the judiciary.

  The pressure the Chinese government gets from the WTO and the measures it adopts to make its policy more transparent, will hopefully help it identify gradually with the principle of “openness”, which should extend from economic to political decisions.

  Fourthly, Chinese enterprises owned by the state and private individuals and foreign businesses will now be treated equally. This will stimulate the growth of private Chinese businesses.

  Keen competition will see a large number of old and ineffective state-owned enterprises eliminated by private and foreign companies. Large-scale SOEs which manage to survive will gradually severe their close links with the government.

  The growth of the private sector will boost the power of the community. Society's ability to act as a check on the government will increase and there will also be many opportunities for a civil society to evolve. All these are no doubt conducive to democratisation.

  Lastly, the need for a transparent and fair legal system will compel China to quicken the reform of its judiciary. This will help promote an independent and transparent judiciary which will have a more effective role keeping an eye on the government. A prerequisite of legal reform is separation of the government and the judiciary.

  If the WTO entry can help speed up legal reform, there will be reasons to be optimistic about the advent of the rule of law which will, in turn, bring about democracy.

  Even though China's ascension to the WTO is not without domestic political risks, Beijing seems confident that it has everything firmly under its thumb. Given its means of control, it is unlikely to allow the political impact of its WTO entry to lead to chaos.

  (The writer is a postgraduate student of Peking University, China. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.)

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