Real English:Kip,第1張

Real English:Kip,第2張

The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Producer/Presenter: Lilly Yang

Vicki: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Vicki.

Lilly: And I’m 楊莉莉.

Vicki: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Lilly: 在Real English,也就是《地道英語》節目中,我們會帶領大家一起來學習和熟悉一些近代英式英語裡新出現的詞滙和新說法.

Vicki: It’s very important to stay up-to-date with English as new words and expressions enter the language all the time.

Lilly: You are right Vicky, 那今天的新詞是什麽呢?

Vicki: Today’s new word is ‘kip’ – K.I.P.- kip.

Lilly: Kip 拼寫倒是不難,到底是什麽意思呢。

Vicki: It’s very simple. Kip is another word for sleep.

Lilly: 真的,原來 kip 就是睡覺的意思。在句子裡怎麽使用呢?

Vicki: The same way as sleep. It’s a noun and a verb, so you can say ‘I didn’t get much kip last night’ or ‘I didn’t kip much last night’.

Lilly: Vicky, 你的意思是你昨晚,你沒睡好。

Vicki: Exactly.


A: Are you coming to the party tonight?

B: No, I’m going to stay home and get some kip. I’m really tired at the moment.

Vicki: I had a lovely kip last night.

Lilly: Really?

Vicki: Yes. I haven’t been kipping very well lately, but last night was very good.

Lilly: What time did you go to sleep then?

Vicki: Well, I went to kip about 9, and didn’t wake up till 8 this morning!

Lilly: That’s a lot of kip!

Vicki: Yes, I needed a good kip, that’s for sure.

Lilly: 好了,大家一定很清楚kip這個詞的用意思了,就是睡覺。用法和sleep完全一樣。

Vicki: Well, I’m afraid that’s all for today. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Lilly: See you next time.再見


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