Real English:Bash,第1張

Real English:Bash,第2張

Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.

Chen Li: 大家好,我是陳鸝。

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Chen Li: 英語是一種十分程式化的語言,所以了解現實生活中人們經常使用的固定表達和俚語自然就很有用了。

Helen: Today’s word is ‘bash’ – B.A.S.H.

Chen Li: 那麽它的意思是什麽呢?

Helen: Well bash usually means to hit very hard

Chen Li: 那麽說,bash 常用意思就是用力的擊打,還有其它的用法和意思嗎?

Helen: Well a bash is also a large party or a celebration.

Chen Li: 看來,bash 又指聚會或者慶祝,狂歡活動,那麽我們如何使用它呢?

Helen: Well you might say ‘I’m having a bit of a bash for my birthday’ meaning I’m having a big birthday party. Or someone might invite you to their birthday bash.

Chen Li: 意思就是你接到生日聚會的邀請。

Helen: Here’s another example with some language to help – invite.

Chen Li: 邀請, ceremony 典禮,聚會.


A: Are you invited to Jim’s wedding?

B: Well, I’m not invited to the ceremony but I am going to the bash afterwards

Chen Li: So Helen, what was the last good bash you went to?

Helen: Well I had a bit of a bash for my birthday last month which was a lot of fun.

Chen Li: What kind of bash was it?

Helen: I had a karaoke party in pub. I love karaoke.

Chen Li: 我也喜歡卡拉 OK, 可是你居然沒有邀請我蓡加?Hmph!

Helen: Oh I’m sorry Li – I wanted to but you were in China when I had my bash.

Chen Li: Hmm 那好,我就饒你一次了。Anyway, that’s all for today. 我們來複習一下吧!今天學到的詞語是 bash – 作爲動詞,意思是擊打,作爲名詞,意思是聚會。

Helen: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. We’ll see you next time.

Chen Li: Bye.


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