Real English:Barney,第1張

Real English:Barney,第2張

The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Jo: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jo.

And I’m Jean.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your English text book.

Jean: 學習英式英語非常重要的一部分就是要學習他們日常使用的英語口語,而且這些英語的通俗說法竝不是經常能在書本上學到的。那Jo,我們今天要學的英語口語詞是什麽呢?

Jo: Today’s word is ‘barney’ – B.A.R.N.E.Y. – barney.

Jean: Barney. Barney 是什麽意思呢?

Jo: Well, it means a noisy argument. So, if you have a barney, you have a noisy argument.

Jean: OK我知道了。A barney就是一場喧噪的爭吵的意思。那你能給我們再擧例說說嗎?

Jo: Of course. If you heard your neighbours arguing, you might say"My neighbours had a barney."

Jean: 就是說,我的鄰居正在大聲的爭吵。

Jo: Precisely.


A: Where is Bill’s girlfriend?

B: She didn’t come. Apparently they had a barney last night, and she isn’t talking to him.

Jo: Have you had any barneys recently, Jean?

Jean: No, and you?

Jo: No, but I saw one. I was in a restaurant.

Jean: 你在餐厛裡碰到有人吵架嗎?

Jo: It was quite funny. A couple had an enormous barney, and she threw her soup all over him!

Jean: Really?

Jo: Yes, they were both shouting at each other. A proper barney.

Jean: How terrible.

Jo: Yes, anyway, to recap, barney is a noisy argument.

Jean: 好,今天我們又學到了一個英式英語的口語詞,barney,就是那種噪音很大的爭吵的意思。

Jo: Yes, that’s it. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.


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