AP NEWS 20061201,第1張

AP NEWS 20061201,第2張


  1. Washington is not looking for a graceful exit from the Iraq war. This assurance comes from President Bush in a private meeting Thursday with Iraqi leader Nouri al-Maliki. During the meeting, Maliki argued that his military and police can handle security in the war-torn country reportedly within the next six months.
  2. A SeaWorld whale trainer is now nursing a broken foot after one of the park's killer whales dragged the trainer underwater during a show. Officials of the park in San Diego say the whale may be allowed to perform again.
  3. Storms that roared through the northwestern Rockies earlier in the week have now blasted the southern plains in Midwest. Many areas have received significant amounts of ice and snow.
  4. A former Russian prime minister is now the latest possible victim of radiation poisoning. He is reporting symptoms consistent with contamination. This development comes as British investigators are scouring multiple sites looking for clues in the poisoning death of a former Russian spy.


  1. nurse: verb

  If you nurse an illness or injure, you allow it to get better by resting as much as possible.

  2. radiation: n-uncount

  Radiation consists of very small particles of a radioactive substance. Large amounts of radiation can cause illness and death.

  3. contaminate: verb

  If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful.

  contamination: n-uncount

  4. scour: verb

  If you scour something such as a place or a book, you make a thorough search of it to find what you are looking for.


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