


  五大原則:事件 )
  Place=Experience(地點題和事件題其實都是差不多的,地點題在8月30,31,和9月1日的全國各個考點都出現了,一個有水,汙染和聽音樂的地方,部分南方地區像上海,武漢和廣州出現了一個組織,其實地點題與事件題是差不多的,例如去這個有水的地方,是不是一次經歷,是不是一次旅遊,這裡拍了一張照片是不是廻到了我們的“物品題”,這張照片裡麪有水,我和我的好朋友,是不是廻到了“人”這個題,五個原則全都可以轉,同學們可以通過在這個地方發生了什麽事,when, what ,why ,who等等感受如何,産生了什麽的廻憶和影響來入手,用TSE背兩三篇範文反複練習)
  (變型:tourist attraction , a happy experience , a city you have visited, a place with a lot of water, a place you have worked or studied before等等)
  A place with a lot of water
  T:The best answer to this topic might be the Fragrant Hill Park, where I left the unforgettable memory. This park is not only famous for the red leaves , but also for the music fountains.
  It has become another symbol for the Beijing city and attracts crowds of tourists.
  S:The most appealing thing is the music of the fountain. The water is able to dance in accordance with the lyric, tune and melody of the music played by people in the controlled room.
  Also, you can watch movies at night from water. The mixture of water sound and the film one teaches everyone’s heart.
  E: People like going there from time to time. Old people like going there for relax and movies, youngster for taking photos, even some Children for playing with water. All of those want to enjoy the magnificent scenery and nature in front of the music fountains.
  I have been there once, and the breath-taking moments last till now whenever I see the photo I took there, I wish I could go there someday in the future.
  A happy experience in your life:(這個地方你是不是工作和學習過?這個經歷有沒有改變你?這個地點可不可以是名勝呢?是不是去過的一個城市?這個地方你拍照了嗎?是不是一次旅遊?等等)
  T: Experiences shape and enrich our lives , most of which are happy , though some are sad. Here , I want to share with you my happy experience when I was a volunteer attheEnglish Association (EA) at my university, which I have left the unforgettable memory in my whole life.
  S: The mission of EA is to help all those people who are willing to learn English to welcome 2008 Olympics in every local community. All students who joined in this organization are the English lovers and volunteers. And I happened to be one of them, and my mission is to promote the popularity of English in every part of China.





