Technology Is Changing Our Lives

Technology Is Changing Our Lives,第1張

Technology Is Changing Our Lives,第2張

TechnologyIs Changing Our Lives

  Recently, a heated debate is brought up worldwide, concerning the prohibition of the cloning of human embryo. This kind of situation correlated with new technology is not unique.Ever since the emergence of human beings, an unprecedently intelligent and diligent species of creature, we have never given up the intention to explore the world and conquer the nature, in spite of frustrations and obstacles along the way. Led by several preeminent scientists, we are anxious to catch up with the pace to step into, or if possible, leap into the modern world. Nevertheless, whether technology casts a positive or negative influence on our lives, the answer to the disputable question varies widely.We are bogged in a dilemma.

  In the first place, technology contributes to the updating of our standards of living and the alteration of our living patterns.During the first industrial revolution, large quantities of fanners were driven out of their land and employed by capitalists. In the end this movement urbanized the Country. The second industrial revolution freed most native people from the bondage of land with the availability of assorted kind of vehicles. In other words,it mobilized the country. The third industrial revolution is the most prodigious one. It not only gave birth to the thriving IT industry, but also exempted a certain number of us from the burden of commuting. Owning to the technology of manufacturing chips and optical cables at a relatively low cost, working at home with pajamas and studying at one's own will are now both feasible. You are your own boss now! This causes my recollection of Martin Luther King's word:"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last". Our society are being electronized.

  Another effect which can not be neglected is the propulsion of science. Our ancestors led a barbarian way of life, and it was only through science and technology that we were extricated from the primitive living patterns. Science and technology are interdependent. With the process of popularizing a crucial technology, we human as a whole beget a power, a power giving the technology an opportunity to be practiced and overhauled, with which the inventor or his followers can perfect it and draw scientific theory from it. Guided by science, we are no longer disoriented and more purposeful in further pursuing other advanced technologies.

  All in all, in the past one hundred years, we have achieved"unexpected" and conquered"impossible". Technology has been the cradle of modem civilization.

  For all technology ushers in the prosperity of human world,we cannot be too optimistic with the development of it, A proverb reverberate in my heart when I enjoy the benefit from the prosperity of the burgeoning industry and commerce. That is:"no pain, no gain". What on the earth have we sacrificed for the convenience, comfort and freedom all deriving from technology?

  Light and lamps extend the daytime, putting more leisure at our disposal as well as stealing our precious resting hours.Trains and buses shorten the distance on land, but thousands of people are killed and mutilated each year in traffic accidents.Drug and surgeon enormously prolong the expectation of life,however, the abuse of medicine is also staggering. Computer and internet transform the earth to a village, meanwhile convenient accesses are offered to hackers. Consequently, your health, privacy, even life are constantly endangered. Puzzled, we are facing such situation: a bitter fruit in one hand and a delicious one in the other, both from the tree of advanced technology.

  What's more, there are more heartbreaking lessons given by history. First, as we all know, the two World Wars both deprived thousands of millions of lives, especially the World War II, which was absolutely ruthless massacre. It was militarists who were the murders, with military technology being their efficient company. Since the 1940's, the usage of nuclear energy has been stretched from generator to atomic bomb. Even when the enormous power was intended to be utilized for proper and harmless purpose, the deformation of infants born near the site of radiation leak would no doubt be engraved on our mind. Besides, a substantial number of innocent people are suffering from various kinds of incurable disease due to water and air pollution, not to mention millions of others and their offspring will never escape from the shadow of unbalanced environment.

  The prices are high. As a matter of fact, we have not only paid, but paid a lot. We can't help broaching the question, are they worth it? Inevitably, our attitudes towards technology also changed along its progress. There has been more than once that the undertaking of a new technology was in controversy, as the cloning affair cited above. Skepticism and resent sometimes dominate our thoughts, as a consequence, we doubt it, deny it, ban it. This seemingly reasonable action cannot afford further deduction."Everything has two sides." Technology should be regarded as a sword with two blades. With serious consideration,there exists no difficulty to define that its advantages far over weigh its disadvantages. After all, it is not the technology itself that is to blame for, but the souls who wield it. Technology itself is neither a blessing nor a curse. We are its master rather than slave. In my point of view, given meticulous and all round contemplation, a new technology can be cautiously put into practice. On the whole, technology is the foundation of our daily life and without it, the grand, prosperous edifice of modem civilization can't be built up.

  簡 評

  技術進步,爲人類帶來福音,同時也帶來許多問題。本文作者用生動的語言、較長的篇幅,進行了精辟分析。他縱論古今,從第一次工業革命談到第三次工業革命,概述了其對人類的影響,其中不乏精辟之語,如:第一次工業革命,辳民成爲工人,實現城市化(urbanized the country);第二次工業革命使人們能借助交通工具的完善,跨越地域界限,實現自由流動(mobilized the country)第三次工業革命影響最爲深遠(prodigious),信息産業訢訢曏榮,而且使許多人免除了每日上班的辛勞,可以在家裡辦公,我們的社會實現了電子化(electronized)。技術帶來了這麽多好処,作者儅然順理成章地斷言:技術是現代文明的搖籃(Technology has been the cradle“modem civilization)。

  但是,作者竝未止於描述技術的正麪影響,他引述一句諺語“要收獲必須經歷痛苦”(n.para,no gain),擧出多個例子說明爲了獲得技術帶來的便利和舒適,我們所做出的犧牲:電燈使白天得以延長,卻佔用了休息時間;火車和汽車縮短了距離,每年卻有數千人死於交通事故或致殘;葯物和外科技術延長了人類生命,濫用葯物卻産生惡果;電腦和互聯網將地球變成一個村莊,卻也給黑客大開方便之門。結果是,我們的健康、隱私甚至生命受到威脇。作者用一個比喻形象地說明我們麪臨的睏境:一手是美味之果,一手是苦果,它們卻都是先進技術之樹的産物(a bitter fruit ln one hand and a delicious one ln the other,both from the tree of advanced technology)。他用兩次世界大戰的慘痛教訓來說明技術帶來的惡果。




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