Crayons:The World s Solution

Crayons:The World s Solution,第1張

Crayons:The World s Solution,第2張

If crayons were distributed to everyone, the world would be a better place. Crayons would not only make people healthier, but crayons would also make the would a more beautiful and cheaper place in which to live. Crayons would solve the world's problems with maniacs and rising prices. Crayons, simply put, are the world' solution.

  Crayons relieve tension. If everyone had them there would be no need for psychologists or psychiatrists. By coloring, one releases built-up tension onto the paper. The rhythmic motion in which coloring is done is soothing to the mind, body, and soul, thus placing the person in a meditative stage. If relaxation is not needed, crayons provide the perfect"snap" to relieve pent-up irritation. A frustrated person could pick up a crayon and break it ——snap it—— to ease anxieties. Crayons would replace the field of psychology-forever.

  The family unit could be brought closer together by an evening of coloring. While one colors, the mind is freed to converse. Unlike at the dinner table, where everyone is staring down the other, the atmosphere for coloring is more relaxed and open. This allows the family to talk honestly and openly to each other in a pleasant manner. With the introduction of crayons, the dysfunctional family will be no more.

  Along with a happier family, crime rates would drop drastically. If all criminals had been given a Jumbo Eight Pack when they were younger, their trigger fingers would have been satisfied with the feel of purple coloring a luscious grape. If a particular Middle East dictator had a mother who had given him a simple sample pack of crayons from Shoney's when they first visited Disney in Orlando, he would not be terrorizing the world today. I believe, instead, he would be coloring Mickey and Minnie on their way to the beach to have a quiet picnic. If all countries were shipped a cargo containing crayons, they would be too busy enjoying themselves to fight with each other. Crayons would make the world safer and more pleasant.

  I am told by a certain anonymous source that Dali, Van Gogh, and Michelangelo were all influenced by crayons. Michelangelo brought great beauty to the world through his art. Each piece that he has created emits a natural beauty portraying his soul. This special technique, I am told, began to evolve when he was at a young impressionable age, at a point when his loving mother provided him with a rainbow of colors in wax form. History was made then.

  Van Gogh's story, on the other hand, is somewhat sad. His works of art were just as majestic, but they had a tinge of sadness connected. This sadness, and I might add, the real reason for his cutting off his ear, stemmed from an argument with his lover. In this argument, his lover took his box of crayons and left, never to be seen again. Van Gogh was so distraught, he cut off his ear and mailed it to her in vengeance. Ever since that day his paintings have mourned the loss of his crayons.

  Salvadore Dali's experience with crayons is another intriguing story. One hot summer day Dali was sitting outside his childhood home in Figures coloring a picturesque landscape, when he noticed the event that changed his career: his crayons were melting into an ant pile forming distorted figures of wax topped with ants. This birthed a whole new way of thinking for Salvadore, and the Age of Surrealism began. He soon became famous for his trademark of melting distorted figures and the unique placement of ants in art. Crayons, again, had created a new facet in mankind.

  So far, I have demonstrated the psychological use and influence of crayons; now I can discuss a formula for a lower cost of living.

  With today's rising prices for marketable toys, a simple box of crayons seems to be the sensible alternative. Crayons are a cheap and versatile toy:not only can they be used to color on paper and in coloring books, but they can also be used to color a mural on the wall. Crayons can also be melted in the sun to the point where they are pliable. By molding the soft wax into Colored figures young sculptors have not only a toy but inspiration as well.

  Prices for wallpaper, greeting cards, and wrapping paper have skyrocketed. With crayons, plain butcher paper or even used grocery bags can be transformed into homemade creations. Another price that seems to have recently skyrocketed is the cost of entertainment for the younger generations. With crayons, a child could creatively and constructively bring into being homemade art, collages, Indian hats, paper moccasins,and colored paper helicopters. The uses for crayons are simply endless.

  One simple box of crayons could have prevented murder, a war, the loss of an ear, and boredom in certain children. I send out exhortations: Buy crayons! Do not delay! A crayon could save the world.


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