Pocket Money,第1張

Pocket Money,第2張

As a high school student, we must have some pocket money in order to use it conveniently (方便), for example, to buy a book or a pen you like very much, to hand in cash for film tickets, and occasionally to contribute (捐獻) some money to those in trouble.

  Where does our pocket money come from? Generally, parents give us a certain amount of money regularly.But the source of my pocket money is extraordinary (不尋常的) and seems to be somewhat interesting. In my family there are a lot of special rules (槼矩), some of which are just my ideas. For example, each of us has a towel and if someone mistakes others' for his or hers, he or she should be fined (罸款)。 Every one of us has some duty——sweeping, making the beds, washing pots, bowls and chopsticks and so on. If someone forgets to perform his or her duty, he or she should also give some money to me, because I'm always careful and have never been punished. My father is very busy and he is forgetful. He often makes mistakes and it seems that he'll continue to be fined unless we stop carrying out these rules. Be sides, I like to write English compositions and send them to English newspapers or magazines. The editors send me the postal or ders (滙款單) as soon as my compositions are published. So my pocket is always full and my classmates often say that I have a small treasury (金庫)。

  The happiest thing I'd like to do with my pocket money is to have an opportunity to contribute it to people in trouble. For example, in 1991, parts of our province suffered from floods. I, together with my classmates, sent all our pocket money to the people in the stricken area (災區)。 At that time, I always feel a bit elevated(高尚)。

  Dear friends, where does your pocket money come from? What do you do with it? Are the source and the use of it more interesting than those of mine?

  江囌省徐州市第一中學高二(1)班 宋亮亮

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