A Dog,第1張

A Dog,第2張

Adogisa common animal. You can find it almost everywhere. But a dog is a special animal too, because it has given to man help that other animals haven't. It often lives with people at home as a pet (寵物) or as a guard. As a result, most people like dogs.

  In my childhood, my father had a white dog. It was a bright (1) dog. One day, when I went to school, followed by my dog, I forgot to take my pencil-box. It would be too late for me to go home for it. When the dog saw my worry [the signs of worry on my face] (2), it went home. After a while, with the pencil-box in its mouth, the dog came to our school. It was really my friend, but it was a short time for the dog to stay with me [before we had to part] (3)。 However, I'll never forget it.

  In a police station, a dog is a bright (4) “police-man”。 It can tell different smells. In the country and town, most people feed [ keep ] (5) a dog and let it guard their homes when they areout.

  We Chinese people often say, “Don't be a dog that catches mice.” This means, don't do things which are not your business. In fact, dogs can catch mice. It is a good thing, isn't it?So dogs are really our true friends. We should take good care of them while they help us.

  陝西省耀縣中學高三(1)班 王小軍

  評 語


  (1)、(4)據Longman詞典,bright可以有clever的意思,但一般是指人或人的言行等,如a bright child/idea,我們在選用詞語時,應該注意語境。



  (5)feed衹是指“給……食品”,其實“養狗”可以用keep a dog.


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