Call Me "Sir " ,Please

Call Me "Sir " ,Please,第1張

Call Me "Sir " ,Please,第2張

I'm seventeen, going on eighteen. You see, I am a young fellow.“Be ambitious,young man!”the old will tell me.“Yes,I will,” I reply. How can a young man not cherish his golden time?

  I'm seventeen, going on eighteen. Dreams have been an important part of my life.To be a scientist,to be a diplomat,to be an astronaut, and so on. “What will my future be?” I ask myself. Totally unprepared I find myself now. I'll soon be a real man. I know that I must do something to shape my future.

  I'm seventeen, going on eighteen. Young, healthy and handsome, these are all my fortunes. “Future will be yours,” my uncle said to me. I'm old enough to make friends as I like. When I see beautiful girls, I'll say “You're so charming. ” “Son, don't fall into a love trap, you're too young to face love,” my parents warned me. Yes, I'll be careful. I should study hard first.

  I'm seventeen, going on eighteen. I am old enough to enjoy freedom of action. I can do whatever I want to do except for things against laws —— riding my bicycle to see the sea, climbing hills to enjoy the Great Nature …Of course, I'll go with my friends to do all these. We can chat along the way and enjoy ourselves. We say to each other “Friends. Let's move into the future hand in hand. ”

  I'm seventeen, going on eighteen. I know that I'm fortunate. We live in a great country developing faster than ever before. We have a life enjoyable and peaceful. We have sunshine freely. We have a bright future full of dreams, but future will never only be a dream. We'll put our best dream into reality ——to make our nation and ourselves even better. At that time, I'll say I've grown up really. And at that time, please call me “sir”。

  上海市桐柏高級中學高三(1)班 沈俊

  評 語

  這是一篇略帶調皮口吻,但充滿自信的散文躰作文。文章模倣美國影片《音樂之聲》中的主題歌的歌詞,“I'm seventeen, going on eighteen”作爲串聯全文的主乾,使原本較爲松散的內容成爲有機的整躰,同時也躰現出了文章輕松活潑的語氣。


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