Forgive Me,Mum,第1張

Forgive Me,Mum,第2張

June 16

  Dear Mum,

  Excuseme for writing to you and not speaking to you in person, because I still don't have enough courage to tell you face to face a secret which is in my heart [has been in my mind](1)for many years. Do you remember one afternoon three years ago?That day, you let me to wash [wash](2)the clothes as you felt very tired. But I refused. You were angry and criticized me. I hated you at the time. So when you were out, I cut your prized (心愛的)pleated skirt(百褶裙)。 That evening, when you took out the pleated skirt, I was very much afraid that the secret [what I had done](3)would be found out. So I pretended to be very sad and told you that the pleated skirt was broken while washing [got torn through washing](4)。 When you heard the news you did not reproach(責備)me, but I saw your eyes were wet…

  Three years passed. Once in a while [Whenever](5)I thought that the pleated skirt was the only pretty one you had, I felt a prick of conscience(良心的責備)。 In the past three years, you've showed loving care for me and never minded my bad temper. You have been afflicted with a lingering disease(慢性病),and you have changed a lot. Every time I see the pleated skirt which is still lying in the drawer and gaze at your aged face, I feel very sorry——Mum,forgive me, please.

  Your sweetheart,


  上海市第三女子中學高一(4)班 可 可

  評 語






  (5)Once in a while 意爲“偶然”、“不時地”,與上下文不符,故改之。


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